
Showing posts from 2016

Wait until compass points at you

It’s like the city is dead There is sun and the sunshine There are vehicles downsides There are buildings but in silence I wonder where the birds are The city will soon rise into chaos And into unknown delusion Of ego and competition There will be rush & there will be fight Well Among them will be writers, poets And story tellers With an aim to aware people Of love, brotherhood and togetherness Of the borderless states While the countries are preparing for war And genocides And dead people ignoring this fact Not raising their voices Because Bollywood and Hollywood exists Because TV and soap operas exists And people don’t have time They feel safer in their nests Watching politicians to make important decisions On their behalf huh... Well wait Wait until the compass points at you Wait…

A thought

Well, there is my mind with not so many different of thoughts in it right now. I guess they are taking a break. Enlightened thus, I am wondering, where are all those special feelings & happening moments and why is that it doesn’t depends on me to have a command on them. At times it strikes me that we do have the command on these, just that we are not courageous enough to make important decisions that rise from the depth of our heart. Sometimes we go on back foot and try to save ourselves in choosing to live in our comfort zone, although for a short time. Well we are never going to get satisfaction out of it, unless and until we happen to like the thing we chose. There are decisions I have made that I have regretted and there are some which I have rejoiced with, although I never realized and much pondered upon them. Life is busy. At times, looking back and learning from them is fruitful and is an answer to your inner complex thoughts in a way. Yes, pondering too deeply on them i...


Well, what is the tragedy of the world? Scientists and the modern world now have been venturing to the outside world, to the galaxies and the infinite space. We are invisible in the vastness of the universe. What we have discovered is that the Earth is not flat, that the earth revolves elliptically around a big star Sun. As we revolve, day and night occurs and season changes and we live through. We also discovered that the entire galaxy we are in is rotating clockwise and that whole is moving at the Himalayan speed to an ultimate attractor. But there is lot of empty space. We are 99.99% just empty space at electronic level. So who is God, what he is and what he wants? What is the concept behind God? We humans created it at earth level. We created so many of it and indent its independent concept in our convenient way of living life. Spiritually, we should see God in other human being, as we defined. But we are busy in killing and hating others based on caste and religion. A...


What I love most about morning, Is the sereneness and the silence Is the gentle pure air Is the dimness of surrounding Are the red and black clouds Are the traffic less empty roads  Is the blissful bird chanting Is the taking over of light over dark  Is the resounding echo from the mosque, That prayer touch me Morning, birth, genesis Morning is the time, People are energetic but quiet While some carry the troubles of the past It's time to move on And accept the brightening day Good Morning!

Stalls below my office

Below my 6 floor office building Are a number of stalls Tea, bike repairing, old books, salon and so on… Tea stalls, where we can also have Poha & “chai” That one tailor, Keeps on paddling over machine to weave Never saw him talking Yes, love that old radio where songs keep on running The old guy looks up, Only to stare at the commuting traffic …busy people. I wonder If he acts to look busy’ Or he really is Fear the commuters on road They are always in hurry Road is really crowd Empty? Yes, at night When we go back to home I don’t like high walls Boundaries There are many around here I miss sea Hmm Is your day same tomorrow?

After a long time today

After a long time today Evening When I was as usual in a busy day Late evening On the first week of December And I saw a thin reddish sky Through the little open curtain I immediately proceeded to window & opened the curtain & there were busy cars Floating through highway downwards All coming and out of the setting sun When the cloud exaggerated And diluted the smoky red color . . I watched it Till the sphere diminished behind the green trees Leaving behind a dark blue sky alone Although Not for a long time when Stars and moon came to accompany Well, the earth is rotating & I have work remaining But After a long time today In Pune I felt evening

And it was a well winter Sunday

And it was a well winter Sunday When in the morning, I went for a long ride in my new bicycle Good experience Me And I was sitting in my room Tired I live in a quiet place Tired And chatting And all birds And music Hmm… And all of a sudden There is rush outside Heavy honking Crying No  High Khaki uniforms Running And me Rushed to kitchen window Hall windows Balcony Oh my phone … .. . .. . . WOKE UP from the dream AND AGAIN a well winter Sunday long ride new bicycle Good experience! sitting in my room Tired birds And music .. .

What is happiness to them?

What is happiness to them? To the women, I saw Sitting at the edge of her house’s main door Carrying her little baby in her arms Smiling intermittently and staring at the passersby Passersby, some at their SUVs, some in bicycles and bikes I wonder what might be the chain of thoughts at her mind… What is happiness to them? To the boot polisher sitting at the road side Under the black umbrella as roof Over the mat with other’s boot Staring frantically to passersby, If some could end up coming to him So that rice could be afforded to his family that day What is happiness to them? To the security guard of the society Sitting silently in his cabin For long hours, day and night Away from his family in every festival Won’t the children of society remind him of his new born baby? What is happiness to them? What is happiness to them? I wonder. Do you?

सन्नाटा ही रहने दो

और तो ये सन्नाटा पुराने गाने भी पर अजीब से लोग अब रातें ठंडी होने लगी है यहाँ यहाँ इस बड़े शहर में हां, मन थोड़ा परेशान सा है अब किस शहर को अपना बनाये? किस शहर का हो जाए? वही देर रात में, या फिर सुबह सुबह जब लोग सो रहे होते है और भरे सन्नाटे में, जब रेलगाड़ी की सीटी सुनाई पड़ती है मैं कई शहर की सैर कर लेता हु कई लोग याद आ जाते है चलो अच्छा है अब ये सुन्दर ग़ज़लें पुरानी तसवीरें अच्छी लगती है, मन हल्का कर देती है नहीं सन्नाटा ही रहने दो रात ही रहने दो बात निराली है इसकी

हँसते क्यू नहीं बेटे?

हँसते क्यू नहीं बेटे? थक गए हो क्या?   आज थक गए हो शायद... निंदिया आय गयी ए माँ क्या बताऊ काम से आते ही सो गया  और खाना? खाना नहीं खाये? हम्म? घर कब आओगे? दिवाली आने वाली है? घर कब आओगे? की साहब मना कर रहे  कहते, दिवाली में काम रहेगा  कहते, ६ महीने पहले ही तो गए थे  कहते, ६ महीने पहले ही तो गए थे  पूरे दो दिन के लिए… काम में मन नहीं लगता अब तुम्हारा... मन कह दिया, घर तो जायेंगे साहब... नहीं तो घर का दिवाली फीका रह जायेगा  की दिए तो जलेंगे, और अश्रू बह जायेंगे  खोया सा रहता हु इन दिनों  लोग कहते मैं हसता नही   कहते दुखी सा दिखता पूछते की क्या हुआ मुझे भी नहीं मालुम नहीं मैं बीमार नहीं  सोता ज्यादा हूं सपनो से डर लगता है खामोशी भाने लगी है रंगों को देख मन हल्का होता है और घर में बात कर मन को सुकून मिलता है कि किसी ने फिर पूंछा, क्या हुआ तुझे? हँसता क्यू नहीं है? नहीं घर की बात नहीं ये  किसी ने कुछ कहा भी नहीं  कुछ अधूरे सपनो के पीछे हू कुछ अधूरे सपनो के पीछे हू बस इतनी सी बात है…...

An act of kindness

Indeed, it was an act of kindness. We visited again to the old age home Shanti Bhavan to spend lunch time with them. We planned to serve them noon food in returns of good unforgettable memories. I wondered this time what might these old & lovely peoples think of us while we interact with them. It was to them an evening walk of a tiring day alongside the sea shore. It was to them that one day to get them out of their monotonous life, to remember and see in us their grandchildren who abandoned them here. I wondered how having no personal space, not your own home, no families around & having nothing to do must have been felt. It was a wonderful environment to see when all of the 39 volunteers were busy in their work. I tell you when we met them and held their hand in hand, they held them tighter. I felt lack of love in their life. I must say ashram’s staff are doing all they can to make them feel with the sense of being inherited. It’s a tough job. In the crowd there are...

Our visit to Shanti Bhavan - Nagpur

Today we visited an old age home - Shanti Bhavan, Mother Teresa Ashram in Nagpur. The realization that there are complicate things happening around us was clearer today. The ashram has around 160 old age and disabled people living there. Ashram is doing great in terms of taking good care of the people. There are people in Nagpur who are visiting to the Ashram in most Sundays just to take care of the people for an hour or two, as for example I met a surgeon today, he told me that he visits here every Sunday to take care of the cleanliness of the oldies. My Experience Today? It was good. There are innocent people who are abandoned from their family. This ashram is taking care of them. I felt real proud in been engaged with such an NGO group and to those who are responsible for my upbringing that I am able to take decision & spend my time here, here with these people. At first I was just standing outside of the ashram, I had little idea of what is inside, what is the environ...

future of tourism?

What is the future of tourism? How severe the condition of the environment will become that would not allow people to commute through spaces firmly stating that the pollution is too high? There will be the generations of real life theatres, where some CCTV type gadget would be invented and is placed all over the world. I repeat, "All over the world". You got to pay more for tourism-cum-accessing the gadget for a site in more developed country, like USA today in 2016 when going to Nepal is much cheaper. The gadget would give you the 6D experience making use of all bodily senses, when there were whole campuses of different sites where people would want to travel. How possibly it would help us, one may think? You can sit in homes and travel around the world in real time. You could have the direct access to live your dream like doing PHD from MIT USA, attending live and sensory lectures from renowned professors and living at the campus itself. Can one imagine that in the ...

Happy Earth Day

Oh wow! It’s Earth Day! Yes, every year this day as on 22 nd April is celebrated where worldwide events are held to demonstrate favor support of environment protection. But the so-called politics and the Indian public is terrible at understanding little things. World’s Environmentalists and thinkers have been trying to aware people through many innovative ways. Yes the intensity of it is high in media these days although in some less useful way. The problem with Indians is that many of us are hypocrites, Yes HYPOCRITES! Why? I tell you why. How many has any problem with the fact and have the awareness that deforestation has reached on another level? I hardly see any, no we are busy in many other trivialities. We through plastics in the streets in such an unforgivable way and we don't even think how these small events could structure our environment but we are going to wish the people “Happy Earth Day” on FB & WHATSAPP, some will even change their profile picture. I am not sa...

A brand new technology

These days I am working on a technology, for a bright and safest future. Our life culture is going to influence once it will be launched. It is powerful and overwhelming solving the life problems. We all have a body and an eternal soul. Each body has a name, soul is unnamed & un-manned, and it is eternal. Behind the greedy veil of the materialistic world, we all have a single desire of being rich, have big homes & earn more money. I will put everything on stagnation. I will change the soul by changing bodies.  And I will make it possible for everything to be felt. I wonder and get amazed at the strength of the idea. Like the feeling attached with a particular music, have you ever noticed? How good it would be to interchange the body when getting old. We will remain in the earth as one single population. As a new boy/girl come to live in earth, will be converted him/her into the old by interchanging their souls. Can you imagine? It is the same old Sachin Tendulkar...

Day, Night- What does they signify?

Sun envy night, or Night envy Sun? No both envy each other, without each other’s knowledge. Like the famous quote, “The grass is greener on the other side”. Like the human’s nature of living as we see the next person been happier. Night is beautiful, calmer, have millions of stars to accompany but so lonely; Sun has people, people’s energy but chaotic. Every time sun wanders around the revolving earth chasing night, it only departs. While the night keep on chasing the sun, finds nothing but sun’s reflection on moon for few fortunate days, like the human’s life. How much do we expect in life, and how much do we really get. That’s why sunrise and sunset have Godly beauty. Sunrise is the genesis of each day, like the birth of an innocent child. As he takes birth beautifully, come into the world, spend some time, get polluted, learn prejudices, and learn anger, hatred. Sunrise and newbies are beautiful. The younger the child, the innocent he is. As the time passes, so the migh...

Begging- What could be done?

There are many things in my complex mind. Many a things I come across every day. Many reactions arise in my mind out of the various events. The reactions remain seated and redevelop with more changes after re-accounting with the similar events.  I feel disgusted looking a beggar, a child beggar and a young person with nearly no opportunity resorting to beggary in the streets, across the traffic signals, after the temple gates wearing rugs. Some beggars keep on sitting the whole day in the same place. It’s like; it is their routine job of surviving through the life by behaving monotonously, like a depressing rusted machine. What purpose do they fulfill in earth, I don’t know. Maybe it’s a kind of tax on people’s part to give away some money or some food to them in hope of well wishes from the God. But I feel sadder with the thought that nothing really happens in their part from the government’s end. Their voice remained at zero level in terms of protestations. There are people...

Sighing is not enough. God!

The idea of many communities, different religions, different countries and their borders is annoying to me. The problem with the world is that no one is there to guide you to a so-called HOLY path apart from "many" religious scripts which is interpreted differently by different people. Then, what are all the people going to do? Obviously, they will claim their own interpretation as greater over others. And know what? God is damn busy as it takes him millions of years to take time and reincarnate on earth and finally bless us to the path of light. Path of light, LOL! Sometimes he even sends his messenger against him. Poor God & poor we earth dwellers! That is why there is so much mismanagement around the earth, "mismanagement". God has forgotten to put in every nation a well of oil, exotic beauty like Kashmir & cool beaches to hang around. And the real problem is that, God is forgetting to wear the same dress as in previous tours on earth. People kind of ...

In mid of the Night’s stillness

At around 1 ‘O’ clock at mid night, I was still awake, tired from all the previous day’s work, confronted the night’s stillness after making a decision to hang out in my balcony. To make sure no one gets disturbed from their sleep I had to be low at feet and silent. I could hear the whistles of the night guards walking the city lanes. Although I wanted to sing out the song that was reverberating in my mind, I pushed myself not to. Ah, the city was standstill amid few cars rushing steadily down the lonely lane sometimes. Well, I inclined and supported myself against the balcony to peer at the night’s beauty and feel the rare stillness of environ. As I glanced around, far and close, to the sky, the stars, the cat sitting on the roadside chair, the trees & tree leaves, the streetlights, the apartments and few rushing movement of vehicles, it felt charming, bit strange and humorous, because of the peculiar trend of making night lonely and meek. The cold air was caressing all...

Our frame of reference- A soul

It was a different night, sitting on the terrace beneath the stars; moon and a vast sky made me feel differently yesterday. From our eyes, we observe the world/universe. We all have a particular coordinates at a particular point of time. That is our space-time coordinates is fix and unique. Thereby we could all assign a frame of reference to ourselves. Yesterday, I saw the universe from my frame of reference. I realized the uniqueness of my frame of reference and compared it with my friend sitting beside me. My friend was sitting there with some different co-ordinates, with different thoughts going on in his mind, with a different perspective to look at things differently. Our thoughts and perspective are shaped by the uniqueness of our space-time co-ordinates at various point of time in our life. By being at those co-ordinates, we got influenced into thinking this way. That’s why, it is said that our environment affects our thoughts. The frame of references could be deceptive....

How do you simplify your life?

I am not a Life Guru, still I could make into few points worth adding out of my little up-down life experiences (If you really want to simplify your life), Stop paying attention to media. Or I would say, "The Paid Selfish Media" We trust blindly over anything that is played on the TV channels. In fact, most people who pay close attention to the media, do not posses any of their own thoughts, their thoughts are just made up of all the blahs played over the news channels. Then, whatever that is played over is not the whole picture of the world, neither it is the complete unbiased thoughts and ideas. Unauthenticated people who could not truly state between right and wrong indulge in debates & interviews. Again, media intensifies some few issues who belongs to some famous and controversial beings and keep on repeating the same hollowness day & night. Open a TV channel and same old news on hatred, discrimination and dirty political slang exchange. Maintain a d...

Our identity as a digit

How my mind keeps on wandering, what attaining Moksha would be. How would it feel to have finally attained the truth? To come to know the ultimate truth? How would we ever know that we have attained the ultimate truth and have reached the salvation stage? Who could guide us in this material world? What are the ways of attaining it? What does it takes to attain it? Well, they say, attaining Moksha will pull you out from the birth-death cycle in the material world. But where does it take us to? To an ocean, like we are the river. What energy does Sun emit? Is someone hidden out of the immense energy keep emitting from Sun? Sun may be one of the oceans. After attaining Moksha of earthly level, do we mix with the Sun? Think how big the ever expanding universe would be and how many other Sun-likes would there be? All of them emitting immense amount of energy, all may have bound some earth-like world with them. After attaining the Moksha, and after have mixed with the Sun, do we ...

The Ironing man

Below my apartment, few meters away down the street, there is a shop, shop of ironing cloths. The man running the iron is old, quite old. The shop is wooden, rests on four meek pillars. The man has a radio, must be bought years ago, as he hadn’t been upgraded, as it has an antenna and the noise is blur. The man is quite thin, generous and kind spoken with a heavy voice, wore a glass, put moustache, wraps a plaid over his head. From 10 in morn till 8 in eve his shop remains open, every day. Every day, even in holiday, he must be addicted to his small wooden shop and listening to radio the whole day, I think, severely addicted. He has a good friend, a dog, who at any normal day sits nearby the shop, they both seems to like each other. Whole life, whole life of the iron man has spent working in that shop, that wooden shop, that old wooden shop. God do reside in that shop, I had seen the pictures. Oh my curiosity, I want to be the iron man once, for once I want to live his life. Fo...

Bird species extinction- Ignoring reality?

How clearly I remember the waking up with the soft cooing of so many cute little birds back in childhood days on any typical morning. It was bliss to have experienced those moments of pure nature. Not only their calm giving voices but seeing them used to make me feel heavenly. I used to wonder how a soul is staying inside such a small bird. Many a times I have tried to get close to them to familiarize with them but long before they used to flee. No matter what, it was a great experience. I wonder where all of them are. Has any bad gang or group started to abduct them? Then I guess we must fight them. But wait. They are getting extinct in heavy numbers. I almost see none on a general day and when I do see them on a rare fortunate day; it is one or two in number. Are we the reason behind their disappearance?  I guess yes. Yes. How shameless we have become to not even making it a subject of discussion. Damn, we haven’t yet even realized it fully. Where are all of us getting so b...

Day and Night

Isn’t it foolish how the general world has developed the habit of sleeping at night? Night, the beautiful night, the starry night and adding to that the beauty of the charming and glittering street lights… Why had we chosen to work when the sun is out adding extra energy into the solar system? For ages, we have given value to Sun and not the moon. This idea pushes me down. We have been so biased to moon. Hardly do we find time to have a look at the beautiful sky. It is often said, we ignore the people who loves us and run after the kinds ignoring us. Isn’t it that we tend to look the blue sky glowing with sunlight and sleep when the moon offers enough opportunity to have a look of the divinity beyond? Moon is so small as compared to sun. Moon is not the reason we survive, it is sun. But at night, when the sun leaves us in dark, isn’t it that the moon takes the effort in stealing some of the sun’s light and reflecting it to earth for our good? Bearing sun’s reflection is a hard ...