Begging- What could be done?

There are many things in my complex mind. Many a things I come across every day. Many reactions arise in my mind out of the various events. The reactions remain seated and redevelop with more changes after re-accounting with the similar events. 

I feel disgusted looking a beggar, a child beggar and a young person with nearly no opportunity resorting to beggary in the streets, across the traffic signals, after the temple gates wearing rugs. Some beggars keep on sitting the whole day in the same place. It’s like; it is their routine job of surviving through the life by behaving monotonously, like a depressing rusted machine. What purpose do they fulfill in earth, I don’t know. Maybe it’s a kind of tax on people’s part to give away some money or some food to them in hope of well wishes from the God. But I feel sadder with the thought that nothing really happens in their part from the government’s end. Their voice remained at zero level in terms of protestations. There are people who keep on protesting for their rights and some of their pleas do get approved. But what about these people, the one who begs? They are so hopeless. I don’t think that it’s worth to live such a life… Moreover, what about the child beggars? I have seen children carrying their younger siblings in hand, walking with no foot wears across the traffic signals and asking for money. They even touch the people’s feet. It’s not good and it’s unacceptable in human terms.

I never ask people to give them money in return of mercy. I believe it’s not a good practice, because it promotes the same thing. Help could be done in terms of providing opportunities, opportunities to learn and provide some value-adding work. I have observed many NGOs are working for the same cause. Their works are applauding. But we need a continuous dedicated effort to eradicate the begging practice not only in India but across the world. This also has some effect on the tourism of the country looking on a broader perspective.

There are inhumane malpractices also going on in India in name of begging. There are certain people who make people beg. Some days ago I came across a post across the social media that there are some women carrying babies who most of the time do not cry but remain in sleeping state, it is said that they dose drugs to the babies so that they do not get disturbed and could also receive money out of pity from the passer-by people.

Should begging be banned? What could occur if it happens? Surely people will resort to some other ways of survival. They could even opt for thievery. But positive outcomes could also come. I hope for the best.


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