A brand new technology

These days I am working on a technology, for a bright and safest future. Our life culture is going to influence once it will be launched. It is powerful and overwhelming solving the life problems. We all have a body and an eternal soul. Each body has a name, soul is unnamed & un-manned, and it is eternal. Behind the greedy veil of the materialistic world, we all have a single desire of being rich, have big homes & earn more money. I will put everything on stagnation.

I will change the soul by changing bodies. 

And I will make it possible for everything to be felt. I wonder and get amazed at the strength of the idea. Like the feeling attached with a particular music, have you ever noticed? How good it would be to interchange the body when getting old. We will remain in the earth as one single population. As a new boy/girl come to live in earth, will be converted him/her into the old by interchanging their souls. Can you imagine? It is the same old Sachin Tendulkar, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs & Dalai Lama but in different disguise. The researcher like Albert Einstein & Aryabhat could simply continue in their research for as many years as required. We will not lose people like Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Charlie Chaplin and Messy. Artist could simply become poor and in the abstract life they want to be and creating marvels. Humor will reach in another level. 

We would simply terminate a bad idea from earth by simply letting that soul leave the material world of Karma. And their history could not be found, no stories can be found related to them. The crux of the new technology is to empty the world with negative ideas and thoughts. 

Can the idea of jealously, anger, hatred and fear leave the earth. Will it be that simple? No It will take years and years of further observations and discoveries on human soul to understand their ideas. It's a long way...


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