Sighing is not enough. God!

The idea of many communities, different religions, different countries and their borders is annoying to me. The problem with the world is that no one is there to guide you to a so-called HOLY path apart from "many" religious scripts which is interpreted differently by different people. Then, what are all the people going to do? Obviously, they will claim their own interpretation as greater over others. And know what? God is damn busy as it takes him millions of years to take time and reincarnate on earth and finally bless us to the path of light. Path of light, LOL! Sometimes he even sends his messenger against him. Poor God & poor we earth dwellers! That is why there is so much mismanagement around the earth, "mismanagement". God has forgotten to put in every nation a well of oil, exotic beauty like Kashmir & cool beaches to hang around. And the real problem is that, God is forgetting to wear the same dress as in previous tours on earth. People kind of think they are all different. Yeah, it creates problem that people think there are many Gods. Some Gods are for Hindus, some for Muslims, Christians, and then Sikhs. Huh! One simply could not understand a little fact that all religion books teaches us to not bomb away and strike at each other but to chill out, like “Live and Let Live”. No! God didn’t come in my dream last night to tell me this; I have realized this simple fact. It’s easy to realize this. Let me tell you what to do, introspect while watching the blah-blah on media and feel free to block all the news channels running on the TELE-vision. By the way, listening to comedians is a new cool!

Interval (you can have snacks!)

How about casteism? In India, we have well defined categories of castes. We give quota to minority community, umm because we think they will be left out from the common policies, something like that. How my country forged its citizen into different moulds, it hurts to think deeper, realize deeper & to peek into all those hopeful faces (including mine!). The thoughts and actions of the people living in it make up to the image of a country as a whole. No, it’s not just about reservation w.r.t. caste, it’s much deeper and it hurts badly. It hurts when you can afford a branded shoe, but yours much talented friend cannot. At 21st century, Indians are still struggling with the terms- Upper caste, Lower Caste. We could not simply get rid of casteism but our own government is built upon the same. Our politicians fight and win election depending upon their caste-mates! Recently one group of community belonging to the General category protested hard to be declared as “Other Backward Classes”. They were so backward and powerless that they shook and stirred the country to bring out butter out of milk. Such a shame...

Sigh… (A sad music playing)

Who is responsible for these entire ruckuses, whose loss is this & who is getting benefited out of it? No God will come to earth (at least for an approx. thousand year, as predicted by the Hindu mythology) to lift the term reservation. The beneficiaries and losers are both humans.

Let’s do something; the least is to introspect…


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