Day, Night- What does they signify?

Sun envy night, or Night envy Sun?

No both envy each other, without each other’s knowledge. Like the famous quote, “The grass is greener on the other side”. Like the human’s nature of living as we see the next person been happier. Night is beautiful, calmer, have millions of stars to accompany but so lonely; Sun has people, people’s energy but chaotic. Every time sun wanders around the revolving earth chasing night, it only departs. While the night keep on chasing the sun, finds nothing but sun’s reflection on moon for few fortunate days, like the human’s life. How much do we expect in life, and how much do we really get.

That’s why sunrise and sunset have Godly beauty.

Sunrise is the genesis of each day, like the birth of an innocent child. As he takes birth beautifully, come into the world, spend some time, get polluted, learn prejudices, and learn anger, hatred. Sunrise and newbies are beautiful. The younger the child, the innocent he is. As the time passes, so the mighty sun chases & travels around more madly. Like the human keep on working whole of his youthful and elder ages in search of more. Sunset is tiresome and releases the day's stress and negative energy. Sunset, the demise of the day, demise of a material body and a ritual to mingle in to the infinite & calm night…

Does night signifies a free soul, free from all the material beings but purity? As night keep on chasing the sun, Soul think humans are happier and it reincarnates with another body and remain entangled into the materiality. Maybe Moksha stops this cycle of enviousness. Maybe Moksha is the end. Where does a wandering soul go after attaining Moksha? Not to earth, not to the material world, then where?    


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