Our visit to Shanti Bhavan - Nagpur

Today we visited an old age home - Shanti Bhavan, Mother Teresa Ashram in Nagpur. The realization that there are complicate things happening around us was clearer today. The ashram has around 160 old age and disabled people living there. Ashram is doing great in terms of taking good care of the people. There are people in Nagpur who are visiting to the Ashram in most Sundays just to take care of the people for an hour or two, as for example I met a surgeon today, he told me that he visits here every Sunday to take care of the cleanliness of the oldies.

My Experience Today?
It was good. There are innocent people who are abandoned from their family. This ashram is taking care of them. I felt real proud in been engaged with such an NGO group and to those who are responsible for my upbringing that I am able to take decision & spend my time here, here with these people. At first I was just standing outside of the ashram, I had little idea of what is inside, what is the environment inside, what kind of people I am going to meet there. As I went inside with other members my heart contracted. Soon we started to prepare for distributing ice creams. I even fed a woman. She was telling me to feed her, so I did, I felt mesmerized. Then I remembered my grandmother far in my village home. There are people around her to take good care of her; she would never feel dejected, I am proud of my father for that. I talked to many people, sat before them, held their hand, asked if they need more ice-creams! Some nodded as yes... No, it wasn't like they have all the facilities, then what do we do there? I must say old grannies and grandpas are happy beyond words, their faces were shining with gladness. Some even said, visit again. I realized it is love that they are missing in their life. I hope one understand how it feels to be dejected. 

With the NGO the major platform for me is that I am meeting people other than in my office hours, other than the customers and some formals doing formalities. For months I had been losing my soul among them. No I could not share my life views with them, No I could not talk of all the inequalities around the world, No I can’t be sad around in the office, Yes I have to see everyone as my customer to whom I deal with. Yes there are many ideas I have in my mind, Yes I feel that I need to do more, Yes I feel if all the people in the world start contributing even a little of their time for eradicating all the evils around, we could really excel to unreachable heights of humanity.

The members of the NGO - MAA - NGOF are from different fields, they have their own set of ideas and a way of looking at things around them. They are motivating. Thank you guys for being around…


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