future of tourism?

What is the future of tourism? How severe the condition of the environment will become that would not allow people to commute through spaces firmly stating that the pollution is too high? There will be the generations of real life theatres, where some CCTV type gadget would be invented and is placed all over the world. I repeat, "All over the world". You got to pay more for tourism-cum-accessing the gadget for a site in more developed country, like USA today in 2016 when going to Nepal is much cheaper. The gadget would give you the 6D experience making use of all bodily senses, when there were whole campuses of different sites where people would want to travel.

How possibly it would help us, one may think? You can sit in homes and travel around the world in real time. You could have the direct access to live your dream like doing PHD from MIT USA, attending live and sensory lectures from renowned professors and living at the campus itself.

Can one imagine that in the entire universities all students are using that gadget, how would the campus would look like? And how the people in physical world are going to be effected from this turnaround? Earn & save money to get trapped in a single room theatre where you could take to streets of the NY, or the silence introspection of the Himalayan peak. We have already started to see the transition in terms of the increasing popularity of the 3-G video callings & the growing addiction for higher internet connectivity. Damn, I could not use the slow 2-G internet anymore, I have lost my patience for that. Indeed, another revolution is near. Know what? If I switch off my mobile for a day and cut off myself from the world through the internet as well, situation is getting near to the point that people would think of me as dead. Internet addiction is serious. The outcomes from using the various social networking sites are the result that is changing us faster than ever and in a quiet newer way. One are tending to post all kind emotions out in the public. 

The way the environment is changing, we are left with two options, either we adapt ourselves with the changing conditions or we assort to technology to bend down the weather to its knees. Somehow, the result would be in between. Nonetheless we are the most intelligent beings in the planet earth... 


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