Day and Night

Isn’t it foolish how the general world has developed the habit of sleeping at night? Night, the beautiful night, the starry night and adding to that the beauty of the charming and glittering street lights… Why had we chosen to work when the sun is out adding extra energy into the solar system? For ages, we have given value to Sun and not the moon. This idea pushes me down. We have been so biased to moon. Hardly do we find time to have a look at the beautiful sky. It is often said, we ignore the people who loves us and run after the kinds ignoring us. Isn’t it that we tend to look the blue sky glowing with sunlight and sleep when the moon offers enough opportunity to have a look of the divinity beyond?

Moon is so small as compared to sun. Moon is not the reason we survive, it is sun. But at night, when the sun leaves us in dark, isn’t it that the moon takes the effort in stealing some of the sun’s light and reflecting it to earth for our good? Bearing sun’s reflection is a hard thing to do! Still, the beautiful moon remains beautiful, I mean no tanning as compared to humans exposure to sun’s little light. We could not land in sun, we could on moon. Moon will accept us with all its heart; sun will burn us in red flames.

I wonder how the world would be if we go to our workspaces at night than the burning day. That way we could even build our offices under the sky with no roof! Obviously we would need more electricity to glow the environs, but that would suffice with the day’s lesser use. Won’t it? I feel a strong need to let the sun feel alone for a while, like moon. Giving too much of importance is the reason why is he adding more heat on earth these days, yeah global warming. No, men are absolutely innocent, it is sun’s fault.  

Hey, the mighty Sun, keep shining. But don't take away from us the beautiful experiences of winter and  the foggy mornings. Do not forget, too much of you will decrease your value!


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