In mid of the Night’s stillness

At around 1 ‘O’ clock at mid night, I was still awake, tired from all the previous day’s work, confronted the night’s stillness after making a decision to hang out in my balcony. To make sure no one gets disturbed from their sleep I had to be low at feet and silent. I could hear the whistles of the night guards walking the city lanes. Although I wanted to sing out the song that was reverberating in my mind, I pushed myself not to.

Ah, the city was standstill amid few cars rushing steadily down the lonely lane sometimes. Well, I inclined and supported myself against the balcony to peer at the night’s beauty and feel the rare stillness of environ. As I glanced around, far and close, to the sky, the stars, the cat sitting on the roadside chair, the trees & tree leaves, the streetlights, the apartments and few rushing movement of vehicles, it felt charming, bit strange and humorous, because of the peculiar trend of making night lonely and meek.

The cold air was caressing all the thoughts generating through my mind, so it was comforting. There were some tick-tock sounds of switching off of the few lights still serving the term and finally merging with the night’s stillness. As night passed on, some street lights passed off as well, the frequency of vehicles rushing through reduced down but the cat remained seated and lying awake with me. Ah, the night.    

The sky was shimmering with the twinkles of stars and the white light reflecting from the moon. However near the city edge, yellowness scattered from the streetlights. As night passes on, magnitude of stillness grew and the energy of environ reduced, air became calmer, softer and rushing faster. Through passing hours, city will rise from the stillness; air will become hotter and contaminated with poisonous gases as traffic starts. 

Ah, the divine night. One more shall pass.


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