How do you simplify your life?

I am not a Life Guru, still I could make into few points worth adding out of my little up-down life experiences(If you really want to simplify your life),
  • Stop paying attention to media. Or I would say, "The Paid Selfish Media"
    • We trust blindly over anything that is played on the TV channels. In fact, most people who pay close attention to the media, do not posses any of their own thoughts, their thoughts are just made up of all the blahs played over the news channels.
    • Then, whatever that is played over is not the whole picture of the world, neither it is the complete unbiased thoughts and ideas. Unauthenticated people who could not truly state between right and wrong indulge in debates & interviews.
    • Again, media intensifies some few issues who belongs to some famous and controversial beings and keep on repeating the same hollowness day & night. Open a TV channel and same old news on hatred, discrimination and dirty political slang exchange.
  • Maintain a diary
    • It is said that One must remain calm in all situation of good and bad moments. We must learn to remind ourselves at all conditions that "This shall pass too"
    • For helping you in simplifying your thoughts and ideas, maintain a diary. Put down your thoughts of exhilaration and deep depressions and observe the change.
    • In my case, in many bad times whenever I had opted to write and describe the situation, I ended up writing a note of gratefulness to the Almighty.
  • Stop accepting and judging yourself from the thoughts and prejudices of just any person around you.
    • Mark Zuckerberg once rightly quoted."The older I get, the more I realized, there are no grown-ups and no body knows what they are doing".
    • Again, no one in the world live the exact life like yours. They are simply not the right person to advice you in any matter. So, go on & take risks and make a point research of your case.
  • Live with hobbies! Lot and lot of hobbies. It helps in busying the mind and the life. It even makes the life purposeful.
  • Become fan of characters. This fill so much colors in the life.
  • Love the one who love and care for you. Stop wasting your crucial and limited time on people who do not care about you.
    • Again, stop having expectations with any person on earth. The one whom you could expect is the one yourself, no one else!
Thanks and Best of Luck :)

I answered this question on quora: Rohit on Quora!


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