Our frame of reference- A soul

It was a different night, sitting on the terrace beneath the stars; moon and a vast sky made me feel differently yesterday. From our eyes, we observe the world/universe. We all have a particular coordinates at a particular point of time. That is our space-time coordinates is fix and unique. Thereby we could all assign a frame of reference to ourselves. Yesterday, I saw the universe from my frame of reference. I realized the uniqueness of my frame of reference and compared it with my friend sitting beside me. My friend was sitting there with some different co-ordinates, with different thoughts going on in his mind, with a different perspective to look at things differently. Our thoughts and perspective are shaped by the uniqueness of our space-time co-ordinates at various point of time in our life. By being at those co-ordinates, we got influenced into thinking this way. That’s why, it is said that our environment affects our thoughts.

The frame of references could be deceptive. That is, one may think that we are all thinking differently, that is, a particular idea could be seen differently from various frame of references. But, it might be that, it is the same, it may all leads you to the same conclusion.

Now consider the whole universe. I am a part of it. It’s like I am a subset in the universe. I have a value. Excluding myself, pulling myself out of the factory, while I used to see the world with everyone, yesterday I considered myself the center of the universe. I looked at everything; everything looked at me. It is me and the rest of the universe. How everything around me seemed to whirl and got dynamic. The moon, the earth I am trapped in, the people and object around me, all seemed in some dynamic motion around me and I was watching everything in my full sight.

Science is confirming that the universe is expanding at a tremendous speed. Science also says that the energy of the universe is constant. That energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Maybe that constant value of energy is zero. Maybe all sums up to zero. I am being influenced by someone; someone is acting on my behavior. All of us with different value of energy are acting on one another to influence each other constantly, just like friction between two objects releases some magnitude of energy. But when everything in the universe taken together, maybe summing up to zero, i.e. all the influential friction energy summing up to nullity.  

Spiritual leaders suggest that we have a soul within us. In Gita, Lord Krishna narrated that “Soul never takes birth, Soul never dies”, Soul is Eternal. We are all souls. We all have a magnitude of energy linked with us at a particular point of space-time, but the value keeps on changing due to friction from environment containing all living and non-living objects. The energy of the soul keeps on changing. While being in earth, our actions define where we head to; we may appreciate or depreciate depending upon our karmas. A soul keeps on changing bodies; remain trapped in the material world. Some soul rises from the materiality and attains moksha to enter into some other world of higher energy.  

Life is just not complex; it has many hidden meanings and values attached to it which we keep on discovering with time. Like I said before, we may appreciate or may depreciate depends on our karmas. Every soul has a frame of reference that is unique and some magnitude energy.

“It is me and the rest of the universe. It is me and the rest of the universe. I am the center of the universe. I am the center of the universe. I am the God. I am the God.” Like every spiritual leader suggests, God lies within.


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