
Showing posts from 2019

Spam you!

Most of us are getting increasing number of spam calls now a days. We keep on wondering how is that our detail is known these callers. How do they know where are we working? How are they so confident when they speak on the phone? Who are they? Why do they do this? How many of them are spammers and end up cheating on you? Who are genuine among them? To start with, they get our data from ourselves only. A lot of data has been leaked from the social networking sites like FB, LinkedIn. Day in and out we get to hear news that the privacy of the company has been compromised and the data is leaked to the hackers. The data is also leaked through the applications that we install in our devices. We inherently allow them to use get access of our data. Also, whenever we are filling some forms, say, while purchasing a brand new refrigerator, we have to fill the details for claiming the warranty and so on. Such informations are compiled at the dealer and the retailers end. It is also compiled ...

Caste based discrimination

Caste-based discrimination in India is deep-rooted in people's minds. Those in the lower strata suffer a significant complexity and those in the higher strata think a sense of superiority. The tradition gains authority through some of the ancient texts which were written probably for handling the administration of their times. In the meantime, it took a bad shape and the gap widened. It is to be noted that this is more of a power game. Any particular caste group is itself multiply divided into subcastes in a hierarchical manner. That means there are higher brahmins and the lesser ones, there are higher kshatriyas and the lesser ones, there are higher vaishyas.. so on. However, it is just not that. The caste communities are in a different power structure based on the region of the country. It is to be noted that the condition of the Brahmins is not the same all over the country. In many places, they do not enjoy authority. This could be related to the presence of a religious p...

Common language?

First, Indians are ultra united by many layers of dozens and dozens of factors. The issue of language is not new in India. Since the time of independence, there have been people who wanted one or other languages to be supported. Those in the Northern part of India speak Hindi in several accents. They are nearly 40%. In a way, they form the majority. But then it's different. They speak in so many accents such as Bagheli, Bundeli, Bhojpuri, Rajasthani and so on. Those in the southern and Northeastern states have native languages. The factor of accent also exists there. Those in Maharashtra speak Marathi differently in different regions of the state. Also, there are several tribes that live in India and they have their own language! India recognizes 22 official languages. There are more than 150 languages that are spoken by more than a million speakers. Now the question of a common language comes up because some of the politicians and other persons feel that we need ...

C u l t u r e

The question is rather intriguing and introspective. ‘How is Indian culture being destroyed?’ Care to know, what is Indian culture? What exactly defines our Indian culture? It's related to the lifestyle that we possess. Now, this is tricky when we say ‘we' because that's how we take into account 1.3 billion of us Indians. A good number of us are living outside India and doing wonders. Every 6th person in the world is an Indian and we are interestingly diverse and vivid like the colors of the rainbow. So, who are Indians? How are we diverse? How is that an important factor in our culture? I will never dare to define being an Indian because it can not be done ideally. However, since my childhood, I have known a thing that there is something or some event as a festival that is taking place around me. People are always in a celebration mode. The festivals are celebrated rigorously both regionally and nationally, one after another. We celebrate everything. We celebrate...

'लोग क्या कहेँगे'

नमस्कार,  सुशील कन्या अर्थात लम्बे बाल, फेयर एंड लवली चेहरा, शांत स्वाभाव वाली गुड़िया रानी का बलात्कार कर दिया गया. उसके बाद उसे मार दिया गया और बेरेहमी से जला के शहर के सूनसान कोने में आधी रात को फेंक दिया गया. बेचारे लड़के देर रात तक पी के टुन्न थे. सुशील कन्या देख अपना आपा खो बैठे थे. खबर ने मार्किट में खूब नाम कमाया. लोगों का खून भी खौला. मीडिया ने जम कर नौटंकी रची. नेताजी परिवार वालों से मिल आये और लटके चेहरे के साथ फोटू भी ट्वीट की. सबने अफ़सोस जाहिर किया. दो दिन बीत चुके है. जिनके बच्चे लड़के है, उन्हें ज्यादा फर्क नही पड़ा. समाज को कोस देने भर से उनका काम चल गया. जिनके घर में बच्चियां और बहने है, उन्हें तालीम दे दी गयी है की इस आज़ाद देश में भी उन्हें पूरी आज़ादी नही है. संभल के रहना होगा. बालिग़ होने के बावजूद भी उन्हें स्वतः गलतियां करने की अनुमति नही है. उन्हें समय से अपने कक्ष में आना होगा, लड़को से दूरी बनानी होगी इत्यादि. अब सब भूखे है और इस खबर से ऊब चुके है. वापस से थक हार कर पुराने रवैये में आने वाले है. आप, मैं, हम सब. We make the society. कृपया आदमी जात को अकेले मत कोसे...

यात्रा मैहर की

हज़रत निजामुद्दीन स्टेशन दिल्ली से मैहर की ट्रेन जैसे तैसे पकड़ लिए. होशियारी में ज्यादा देर हो गयी. ट्रेन प्लेटफार्म पर लगी हुई थी. पाँच मिनट की देरी से ज़मीन खिसकने ही वाला था. धन्य हो मेट्रो जी का, समय से पहुंचवा दिए. कुछ देर तक धुकधुकी लगी ही हुई थी. मेट्रो से उतरते ही मिल्खा सिंह बन गए थे. दौड़ते दौड़ते दिमाग में पी.एम. 2.5 कणो की बराबर याद आती रही जो की हवा में तैर रहे थे. कोम्प्रोमाईज़ किया और क़दमों की रफ़्तार वही रखी. अब्दुल्ला दीवाना बनके दूसरी ट्रेन में घिस घिस के नही जाना था. धुले हुए जीन्स और कमीज पहने थे. बाल बाल बचे. हाफते हाफते प्लेटफार्म पहुंचे. प्लेटफार्म में साल भर से काम ही चल रहा है. खैर. मुँह सूखा जा रहा था तो पानी की बोतल ले ली. सोचें थे की समय से पहुंच कर खिड़की के पास बैठेंगे. बर्थ तो लोअर थी लेकिन ऐसा कोई कानून नही है की लोअर बर्थ वालों को खिड़की की ताज़पोशी होती है. कक्ष में पहुंचे तो देखे की पहले से राज गद्दी हड़पी जा चुकी थी. सपने चूर हो गए. 'आगे उतर जायेंगे' वाले यात्री हक़ से हक़ जता रहे थे. ये बता देने पर की एक सीट हमारी रिज़र्व है उन्होंने ही दया फरमायी ...

दिल्ली दरबार

और दिन की अपेक्षा आज शहर जनाई पड़ता है. आसमान साफ है. हल्का नीला है. हवा ठंडगर है. वातावरण खुला है. कुछ त्यौहार जैसा लगता है. है तो बस एक आम दिन लेकिन धुएँ की चपेट से मुक्त है. उजाला है, काली परत नही. शहर आज रविवार का आनंद ले रहा है. सफाई कर्मचारी जो की सुबह पाँच बजे से ही रास्तों में फैले कचरे को ठठोलने लगते है, आज छुट्टी पे लगते है. समझ में आता है की वे ना हो तो क्या होगा. रोड उजड़ी और अपाहिज लगती है जैसे कोई भूखा निर्धन व्यक्ति दूसरे पे आश्रित होता है खुद की जरूरतो के लिए, कुछ वैसे ही है सडक आज. इधर उधर फैले कचरे के ढेर उनकी ही राह देखते है. बाकियों से उन्हें कोई उम्मीद नही. सच पूछो तो ये शहर की रूह छिंद छिंद हो रखी है प्रदूषण से. साफ हवा प्रकृति का अधिकार है, मानव का बाद में. इसके बिना इसकी सज्जा पे प्रहार हो जाता है, बिन बताये बिन बुलाये शहर के सौंदर्य को बुढ़ापा चढ़ जाता है. अन्य जगहों पे प्रकृति के अछूते रूपो को देख यही मालूम होता है की वो विविधता को ललायत है. इस धुएं भरे वातावरण में पंछी नदिया सभी ही दूषित है. ये ईक्कीसवी शताब्दी ही है... बाज़ार वैसे ही चल रहा है. लोग उसी गति स...

Green Celebration

As time is passing by, as modernity is slowly creeping from the text to the context, as the meanings of all the forms of object and subject is varying, we are here, advancing, observing the change, a bit powerless, a bit in ignorance, a bit of contributor and a bit of a celebrator. What is celebration? Why do we celebrate? What do we celebrate? We celebrate birth and death anniversaries. We celebrate birthdays. We celebrate marriages. We celebrate successes and at times failures. Celebration is the booster and the catalytic agent that all of us need, else what is left is mourning and to remain neutral… It is interesting how we copy each other and celebrate our things the way others. That's maybe socialization. The case in point is the one related to the use of sound. The louder it is, the happier we are and the worst it is for the non-celebrators! There will be DJs, crackers bursting, loudspeakers to prove that we are indeed celebrating and so happy. Is it the truth? I wonder an...

Tweet Tweet

Social media is a parallel world. There is not only a kind of categorization that exists within the frame of each one of them but they all perform differently as well. Not everyone is using different platforms with the same capacity and the same motive. Obviously, the basic idea should be to connect with the world, to get a sense of connectivity with actual people in a fast disintegrating digital world. Twitter is a quickly emerging for the so-called intelligentsia group who seem to have some kind of opinion for just anything under the sky. They should probably be called the elitist of the country. Every other people are fighting under the shade of some motive, following some ideology. People are there who listen to speak and not to learn and imbibe. More so, it has become a source of fragmentation, religious ideologues have capitalized it, politicians have mastered it, while at the same time the common man is left with a state of confusion only tweeting their disregard which someho...

Honor Killing in India

India is indeed a complex country deeply woven with the wires of caste, class and Varna system. It has a tight social fabric that is taking it slowly to flex with the changing demands of modernity. It is unsure and rather playful to watch how the saga unfolds. In different regions of the country, it has been reshaping due to the effects of globalization and urbanization in India. More numbers of youths are able to migrate to a different place than their home town in search of degrees and job opportunities. It is impossible to remain rigid within the caste molds while living in Urban India. Those who do not flex are seen with a skeptic eye and should be. For this long-time exposure and mingling with different groups we come to the realization of the vague boundary standing before us. These boundaries are illusionary and archaic. It may be having its significance in the past, not today, not at all. The laws of the country are supporting modern ideas of equality and liberty. Various ...

Delhi Pollution

For the last 3-4 years, the news headlines are flashing with the terrible state of the air pollution in the Delhi and NCR region. The contributors are the millions of tons of stubble burning from the North-Western states, vehicular pollution, industries, construction activities, etc. The Air quality specifically takes a hit during the winter season. It is due to the physiology of Delhi which is saucer-shaped and as well the stagnant surface wind. The SAFAR model which measures the Air Quality Index even surpassed its measuring scale and the index was well beyond its limit. Taking this into the cognizance a Public Health Emergency is declared in Delhi by the Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority. While most of the politicians remained tight-lipped to comment on the situation, social media platforms are filled with apathy. At the same time, there was an increase in the respiratory-related illnesses reported at the capital. The city remained under a deep cover ...

Tis Hazari Police Vs Advocate

It is probably the theme created out of the movies based on the macho profiling of the Police officers on duty that what we are observing in the Tis Hazari court conflict between the advocates and the police officers is seeming out of context and unbelievable. The sights of the police officers asking for justice and sitting on the ground staging protest, shouting slogans is rare of the rarest scenario. What started from a petty fight had turned into a full blown conflict. The story needs to be looked inside out and whatsoever committee is going to look into the matter should consider both sides’ views equally. Both the groups are the arms of the governance in the country, yet both of them share a piece of blame for the sorry state of their stature. We could not think of our work getting done without flashing money on to them. While police reforms are something age old, there is a shortage of judiciary workforce in the country. Now that something bizarre like situation is before ...

ऑफिस झील

आज लहरें खूब आती थी पानी में. हवा मंद गति से चल रही थी. आसपास जो पेड़ थे उनकी टहनिया हिल रही थी. पत्ते नृत्य कर रहे थे. अमिताभ वहा अकेले ही खड़ा हुआ था. लहरें थी, पेड़ थे, हवा थी और वो... आज छुपके अकेले ही निकल आया ऑफिस से. निकलते ही अपने मोबाइल फ़ोन को पावर बटन दबा के बंद कर दिया. उसने अपने बैग को जिसमें की लैपटॉप था, एक कंधे से लटकाया और नीचे देखते हुए चलने लगा. चलते चलते उसने सोचा था की आज शहर किनारे वाली झील को जायेगा. वो जब परेशान होता हैँ तो कभी कभार ऐसा ही करता हैँ. मन कुछ सोच रहा था और ख्यालों में खोये खोये ज़मीन में चिपपी ढूढ़ रहा था. एक पत्थर मिला, लेकिन गोल था. उसे फेक दिया और दूसरा उठा लिया. उसे ऊपर नीचे पलटा के देखा और झील के पास गया. घुटनो को झुकाया, हाथ पीछे करके तेजी से पत्थर को पानी पे फेका. पत्थर पानी की सतह पे तीन बार कूदा और आखिरी टिप पे डाईव मार दी. पानी में विलीन हो गया. उसके बाद वैसे ही वहा खड़ा रहकर और पानी में आयी तरंग को देखता रहा. हवा चलती थी. पत्ते नाचते थे. टहनिया हिलती थी. पिछली बार आया था तो कुछ गुलाबी गर्दन वाले बगुले भी थे जो पानी पे खेल रहे थे. आज न...

खुसबू वाली साबुन

दो दिन हो गए थे भूल जाता था. पापा को बताना है की उन्होंने जो साबुन घर से चलते वक़्त मेरी बैग में दाल दिया था, हां वही खुसबू वाला, बड़ा अच्छा है. उसे मैंने तीन दिन पहले खोला. पहले तो उसने मेरी अलमारी को जीवन दे दिया. जब भी उसे खोलो तो बेल की फूलों की तरह पूरे कमरे को प्राण दे देती है. पापा ये साबुन अच्छा है. अच्छी खुसबू है इसकी. मोजा! नल पे पानी नही आ रहा आज. मोटर चालू करनी होगी. मैं जैसे ही बाहर निकालने को हुआ, सामने वाले कमरे में रहने वाले आयुष ने अपना दरवाज़ा खोल दिया. मैं रुक गया. उसके कदम सुने जो की सीढ़ी चढ़ रहे थे. फिर कट की आवाज़ आयी. उसने मोटर के स्विच को ऊपर कर दिया था. आलस था, इसलिए मेज़ के पास वाली कुर्सी में जाके बैठ गया. बिस्तर में पैर ऊपर कर लिए. पहले ऐसे ही बैठा हुआ था. फिर मोबाइल को तकल्लुफ दी. इंतजार करने के बाद सोचा की मंजन करता हू पहले. टूथपेस्ट को निचोड़ चुका था. आज का काम हो जाना था. लौटते वक़्त भूल जाता हू नया खरीदना. ये रीति कब से चले आ रही है. किसी तरह से उसे दबा दबा के आज का कोटा निकलवा लिया. इत्मीनान से मंजन करने का सौभाग्य रोज़ नही मिलता. बाल्टी में कल रात कपडे ...

Antarman Se Kabhi Kabhi - अंतर्मन से कभी कभी

Antarman Se Kabhi Kabhi is my first book. It is published accidentally, or I should rather say, experimentally… There are some 180 pages in the book, filled with short articles which I scribbled or typed on the mobile screen based on my observation of the surroundings. There are short poems as well. These are something which is out of true feelings and few manipulated ones. As idea emerged to get the thoughts published, I searched for ways on the internet. Shortly I came across Notion Press as the publisher and I chose it instantly. Thereafter, I contacted them and understood the procedure. They offered me packages for which I would be provided with teams to get all things done, from designing cover page to fonts to marketing and so on... I chose to self-publish this. I chose to do all the things myself. First because, I could design the manuscript myself, second , I wanted a firsthand experience for myself, third , I was short of budget. In the process, I was excited and hur...

NIT Silchar

Yes I remember NIT Silchar The blue sky, rusty hostels, and the sandy roads Who would forget them? Not me. I have mortal qualities. The call of vendor for ‘Mistee’, the sweet Walking through the hostel's gallery Hanging both sides in his shoulders Mistee – get one in Rupee five Such a life The leisure of Saturdays and Sundays The food of mess & The busy first-year long line The plates we carry and could sit anywhere Among the five hundred new The new faces and the child in me alive How could I forget NIT Silchar? The incandescence and the Thundermarch Papon and Zubeen The festival Bihu and the elegant dance The Maggi of floor three And the tired water cooler The common TV room And the cricket matches And our turn for the Table tennis board The proxy war My room, my bed The building SAC The ever eventful NIT Silchar is unforgettable Sorry, not in this life I am grateful for the golden time .. I will be ...

When it rains

Let rain be good to them How? I have no idea Can I be superman and work on their behalf And earn And let them enjoy rain? When it rain Should they not as well enjoy The rain And the water And the dark sky And the coldness And breathe And love And sigh In relief Like others... They will enjoy Nonetheless They will, the most They don't have to sit in cubicles And in air packed offices Away from rain and the life... When it rains Let's watch it And play your song And smile

गुम कही विकास की राह - मैहर

मैहर शहर इतना छोटा है की बीस मिनट होते होते एक चक्कर मारा जा सकता है. गिनती के गिने चुने मोहल्ले है, कुछ बाजार है. मेरा मानना है की मैहर में भारत की छवि देखी जा सकती है. आज भी देश की सत्तर प्रतिशत जनता गाओ में ही रहती है. ढांचा एक समान ही है. गाओ के बगल में एक छोटा क़स्बा है. गाओं से लोग कस्बों में अपनी जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए आते है. इसी से कस्बो का विकास भी होता है. कस्बों के लोग बड़े शहर से प्रेरणा लेते है और अपनी जरूरत पूरी करते है. कस्बे एक महत्वपूर्ण कड़ी है शहर और गाओं के बीच में. अगर कस्बे विकसित है तो ग्रामीण वासियों का शहर पलायन कम से कम होगा. इससे लोग अपनी ज़मीन और समाज से जुड़े रहेंगे. अब अगर मैहर की बात की जाए तो माँ शारदा का प्रशिद्ध मंदिर सबसे आगे होगा लोगों को ना केवल आध्यात्मिक शक्ति देने के लिए, बल्कि निरंतर रोज़गार बनाये रखने के लिए. यहाँ दूसरे शहरो से, अन्य कस्बो और गाओं से लोग दर्शन के लिए आते है तो   वे खाने, रहने अन्य चीज़ों के लिए खर्चा करते है. इससे यहाँ के लोग कमा लेते है. जितनी ज्यादा सुविधा इन बाज़ारों को दी जाए, जितना ज्यादा साफ सुथरा मैहर हो, जि...

Marital Rape

Rape is an act of sexual harassment. It is non-consensual in nature. There is the usage of force. It is self-degrading and disrespectful as the victim’s autonomy is breached and he/she is left with guilt which is depressing and demotivating in nature. There is growing sensitivity around the news of rape in the country which is a good sign. Due to the rise of social media and the digital age, the acts which were hitherto hidden earlier under the name of shame is now brought forward. This, in turn, acts as a great deterrence and give more sensitivity to the public about the issue and its aftereffect on the lives of the victims. However, there is also a darker side of it which is the rape of a minor child & the not-so-talked-about marital rapes. Marriage legalizes sexual intercourse between two individual. However, the factor of mutual consent is the least spoken. If the second spouse is not willing to engage in sexual pleasure, the first spouse ideally should submit to the deci...

'He' Who should not be named

When the mosque was attacked in New Zealand, one thing that is made clear by the New Zealand Prime Minister is that they will never know who the attacker was. She made it clear that history will never make him popular and they didn’t even take his name in their parliament. In a way, she refused to name the Voldemort. What she went on to talk about is solidarity that they all stand united in this tragic moment of their history. Taking this cue forward and into the digital media, we see how people easily get offended from a distant line, some comment, some picture that nobody cares about, that nobody even thought about until unless we decided to share it, make it mainstream and publically condemn it. It then creates a cycle, a domino effect and it gets on to create a tsunami out of it. The idea which was distant is given a shape and we remain innocent at one corner of the earth. There are videos of hate comments against some other religion, some group, some race, and some even...

5G technology

South Korea recently launched 5G technology nation-wide. The U.S. followed in second. The trials in India will soon begin. 5G technology is the next version of the 4G technology which we saw in India. It has higher latency, higher data per second can be provided with the help of it. It is almost 100 times faster than 4G technology. In a sense, it has revolutionary benefits in nearly all the fields, such as: > Education – primary, secondary and tertiary education can be improvised using the technology. It will bring higher effectiveness in research & development. More interactive sessions can help students in grasping the concepts adding on with the provision of virtual and the augmented reality. > Health – recently a doctor operated a patient in Gujarat with the help of a robot, when he was away in another town. Thus the application in the distance operation and monitoring of the patients could seriously enhance the health parameters in the country. In this respect...

Generic medicines

Generic medicines are the cheaper version of the same biological configuration which is available in the market once the patent date expires for the company who had done research on its original form and brought it to the market. Since the company has to do a lot of investment in research, they make a profit out of selling the original version. The idea of the generic medicine is to avail the drugs to the public at the affordable rate so that it is widely available so that the needy ones get the benefit from it. The medical practitioners are approached by various companies’ Medical representatives for the promotion of their brand. They present various schemes to lure the practitioners in selling their brand in comparison to the generic drugs. These private companies are given monthly and yearly targets which are aggressive and they, in turn, push down the line considering the medical line just another market. Considering the income dynamics of the people of the country, it is mor...

रेजोनेंस हो तभी

'तुम मेरे एक मित्र के अच्छे दोस्त हो सकते हो', उसने लिखके मैसेज भेज दिया अपने एक मित्र को. दोनों शायद अलग ट्रेनों में बैठे थे और अलग-अलग दिशा की ओर बढ़ रहे थे  एक नया गाना सुन रहा था. अपने एक करीब करीबी को भेजा तो उसने कहा की, 'कहा से ढूढ़ लेते हो ऐसे गाने'.. वही गाना उसने मित्र को भी भेजा, उसने कुछ प्रतिक्रिया नही की. अच्छा नही लगा होगा, या फिर गानो का शौख ना हो, मेरे जैसे.. क्या पता  क्या नियम है पहचान लेने के, उन्हें जो हमसोच है, एक जैसा सोचते है. ऐसे तो अकेले तंग हो जायेंगे, या फिर सभी ऐसे ही है और बस दूसरों के साथ रहने की झूठी हसीं हस्ते है. की बस कुछ ही बदनसीब है. वो जब लाइब्रेरी के कमरे में आयी तो एक खुसबू हवा में छा गयी. उसने वही इत्र लगाया था, जिसे मैंने जामा मस्जिद के बाज़ार से खरीदा था, या ऐसा कहो की तीस रूपए की खुसबू उधार ली थी एक छोटी सी कांच की शीशी में. कुछ पसंद किया होगा दोनों ने ही.  क्या पसंद है, क्या पसंद नही है - ऐसे ही तो साथ बात है.. कुछ रेजोनेंस हो शायद, या फिर ख़ुशी ही रहे, शायद. ऐसे तो अकेले ही अच्छे. कोई भी हो. हां सारी बातों पे स...

Delhi sheher subah subah

The idea was to catch the city - sheher half awake.  To watch the security guards exchanging their duties. One will now sit on the chair, the other will rot half of his day in his rat hole type rented home, along with fellas from his village. Their dull blue uniform although speak of discipline but as well of their wary state of mind To watch the street side solidarity, of the rickshaw wallas, cart pullers, street vendors and other homeless labor-class migrants. How they sleep together finding a place coated with soil. Does this sheher care for them?  There are old one with loose muscles and the young one with a tired thin body. They are the forgotten part of the nation whose manual work is exploited. They possess the skill of hardship, of working in tough situations, for long hours. They are the heroes. They are the fighters Mosquitoes don't bite them. Humidity and heat do not bother them. Thirst doesn't unsettle them. Hunger is their friend. What life T...

Beholders and goons

The current waves of news where we came across that MLA led mobs, or MLA himself is abusing government official is goon-ism and no social work. Yesterday, mud was poured on an engineer by the crowd led by the local MLA in Konkan region of Maharashtra. Maintenance of law and order in the region is an idea and a mental restraint on the public. There is a two-way trust between the public and the authority in command. If the equilibrium is disturbed, or say, the trust is broken, there will be deviance. The MLAs are the leaders of the region. Attacking government officials shows several behaviors of them which do not seem responsible. Are they frustrated and have exhausted all the legal ways to correct an incorrect situation?   If yes, this means that the system is not in their hand and there is a lot of mismanagement below them. This calls for course correction. If they are not doing it, it indicates their inefficiency in handling matters of their position. As a represen...

Monsoon thru the pane

They are here The clouds A bit late though Slight dark it is Quiet but vehicle honk As usual, dirty streets Unlimited buildings Humans Dogs Less chatter today They all are expecting To off the agony of sun a bit I sat beside the window To watch all the drama And not let it away To not miss it As I know I have fewer monsoons I wish to cherish them all The magic of rain Of blessings From up From thirst Heat And Anger Will you be here all day? Please Let the dust settle down Wet the window pane Make your sound Clean this city Calm the people Let children play Let me watch the monsoon thru the pane Rohit's other blogs

ICT/ E-Technology for farmers

Information and communication technology to farmers is related to linking the farmers together and as well with a central authority for addressing their concerns, imparting them useful information with respect to increasing their productivity in agriculture, several tools for managing agriculture in a better way, grievance redress and taking their feedbacks & action taking on the same. A number of initiatives have been taken by the government as it has launched significant mobile applications, launched the websites like Government e-marketplace for selling the products. This needs to be drilled down and more awareness needs to be spread so that the initiatives are successful in achieving their purposes. Besides, the government has to make sure that the implementation is close to expectation and authentic as well. Fake reports should not be generated in the name of development. Last five year India has changed its trajectory and moved closer in achieving the mission of e-gove...

नेता हमारे बल्लेबाज

पिछले सप्ताह इंदौर से खबर आयी की स्थानीय नेता एक कारपोरेशन के व्यक्ति को क्रिकेट बल्ले से सरेआम पीटने की कोशिश करते है. वहा पे पुलिस की मौजूदगी थी. साथ ही साथ खचाखच भीड़. कई वीडियो निकल के आते है. उसके बाद कई  बुद्धिजीवी इस घटना की सोशल मीडिया पे निंदा करते है. हालांकि दूसरे दिन इन्हे बेल मिल गई और ये रिहा हो गए. चौका देने वाली बात ये थी की उनका स्वागत सम्पूर्ण हर्ष-उल्लास से किया गया, ओपन फायरिंग की गयी, ढ़ोल बजे, ठुमके लगे, तिलकोत्सब हुआ, नारियल फोड़ा... नेता जी का कहना है की उन्हें अपने इस बर्ताव का कोई खेद नही है. उन्होंने जनता की भलाई के लिए ही महेंद्र सिंह धोनी का रूप धारण किया. राज्य की पार्टी ने उन्हें इस बात पर पूरा समर्थन भी किया. अब सवाल ये है की क्या नेताओ के अलावा आम आदमी अगर ऐसा व्यवहार करता है, तो उसे भी ऐसे ही परोसा जायेगा? क्या इसका ये मतलब है की चाहे पुलिस मौजूद हो या नही, कोई भी व्यक्ति, कही भी अपनी मर्जी से, अपनी सोच शक्ति से किसी की धुनाई कर सकता है और वो जनता का आदर पाने योग्य रहेगा? अगर हां, तो हम सब को जंगल राज मुबारक हो और साथ ही साथ 'हर दिन के लिए दीपावल...

Coaching Institutes - India

It won’t be incorrect to say that an industry has been built up around the educational coaching institutes for getting students through the various entrance & qualifying examinations. At one hand, they do provide value addition through their classroom sessions, but on the other hand, they make a deep dent into the student’s financial backing. Majority of the common men of India are not so economically sound. Those who after all manage to arrange the funds in the jibe that their counterpart would clear the examination had not realized the quantum of the seats that India facilitates. This is true in the majority of the examinations. The net result is that student lost his confidence and as well the hard earned money. There is hardly any correlation between the talent that the students possess and the outcome of the exam, as Einstein said, we don't measure fish's talent in its ability to climb a tree. It tells us about the shabby educational model in India. It is now hijack...

सकरी गली की यात्रा

यहाँ इस शहर में गलियों, मोटर गाड़ियों और इंसानों की कोई कमी नही है. हर एक गलियों की अपनी कहानी और जीवनी है, क्यूकी उस एक पतली गली में लोग बस्ते नही, पनपते है. अब आप चाहे इसे अंग्रेजी वाला स्लम कह लीजिये, या बस गली ही रहने दीजिये जिसमें शहर का कुछ और ही रूप निखरता है. कल जब मैं रात में वापस लाइब्रेरी से घर को जा रहा था, मैंने एक ऐसी ही गली ढूंढ निकाली और वहा से गुज़रते हुए, किताबों से असल ज़िन्दगी में पलायन किया. घुसते ही गली के सीमा में, कुछ चार पाँच कुत्ते पहरा देते बैठे हुए थे. उन्होंने मेरा मुआयना किया और दूसरी तरफ मुँह फेर के हरी झंडी दिखा दी. मैं निडर होके आगे बढ़ गया. बाई तरफ एक स्टोर था, जिसमें पुराना नीला रंग पुता हुआ था. बाहर ठेले में दो व्यक्ति गद्दा बिछाए गुड नाईट महसूस कर रहे थे. अंदर स्टोर में तीन चार लोग एक दुसरे के तरफ मुँह किये हुए पंचायत छाट थे. अब मैं तो चल रहा था, सेकंड भर में अगला दृश्य आया. वहा समोसे बना रहे थे कुछ लोग. दरअसल शहर की इन छोटी गलियों में दूसरे छोटे गांवों और कस्बों से काम की तलाश में लोग भर-भर के बरस आते है, और कोई नाते-रिस्तेदार, चेले, दोस्त के पास...

Social Media Saga

Watching older posts in the Facebook, or Twitter, or Instagram, etc. is like walking back to the past. Social media – we interact with people in the digital platforms using the internet. There is a cycle which compels us to share more and more of our personal information, of our feelings, of our thoughts to the people who hardly matters. The idea is that more the number of people we know and make friend, more social we are. I find so less weight into this. Are we really becoming more social in the digital platform? The conversation which used to be private earlier is now readable 24x7 to the general public. Our life is no more private. We even share very personal photographs in the vibe that we are special. Well, everybody is special but then there is a tinge that those who share much, have much life, and thus is more special. The information that we share is subjected to judgments by the public at large and it is also a source of commercial exploitation. I think a bubble is being c...