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Social media is a parallel world. There is not only a kind of categorization that exists within the frame of each one of them but they all perform differently as well. Not everyone is using different platforms with the same capacity and the same motive. Obviously, the basic idea should be to connect with the world, to get a sense of connectivity with actual people in a fast disintegrating digital world. Twitter is a quickly emerging for the so-called intelligentsia group who seem to have some kind of opinion for just anything under the sky. They should probably be called the elitist of the country. Every other people are fighting under the shade of some motive, following some ideology. People are there who listen to speak and not to learn and imbibe. More so, it has become a source of fragmentation, religious ideologues have capitalized it, politicians have mastered it, while at the same time the common man is left with a state of confusion only tweeting their disregard which somehow says how helpless he is. Nonetheless, there is direct connectivity that we have found and we are able to cut off the middlemen to an extent that used to doctrine the updates before the delivery. Probably people would be able to judge the opinions themselves. I strongly feel that it has done wonder for the artists and the entrepreneurs. They popularize their works. However, like always they have to wait longer to connect to the masses. In the process, they as well grow because they have to continuously outshine others. 

We thus see that it is an exciting new world we are living in. There is exploitation and advancement at different levels as the platform is tussled between all kinds of people. It should be probably left with the people themselves to decide what suits them and what attracts them. This, only after once they are fully understanding its usages. They must know that they could be radicalized following a particular thought chain, they could be mentally abused for the kind of post they share and also over sharing their stuff leave a dig inside the mind. At last, we are all human - vulnerable, enthusiastic, & mortal.


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