Green Celebration

As time is passing by, as modernity is slowly creeping from the text to the context, as the meanings of all the forms of object and subject is varying, we are here, advancing, observing the change, a bit powerless, a bit in ignorance, a bit of contributor and a bit of a celebrator. What is celebration? Why do we celebrate? What do we celebrate? We celebrate birth and death anniversaries. We celebrate birthdays. We celebrate marriages. We celebrate successes and at times failures. Celebration is the booster and the catalytic agent that all of us need, else what is left is mourning and to remain neutral… It is interesting how we copy each other and celebrate our things the way others. That's maybe socialization. The case in point is the one related to the use of sound. The louder it is, the happier we are and the worst it is for the non-celebrators! There will be DJs, crackers bursting, loudspeakers to prove that we are indeed celebrating and so happy. Is it the truth? I wonder and want to explore, more so when there are not enough spaces for such practices. The spaces are cramping in and not enough space is left over for each one of us to individually go and launch our missiles. That is becoming non-feasible. There are people with agonies while we celebrate, e.g. the medical patients, street animals. Such things are not taken into considerations while they should be. We plainly ignore them and ‘why not we?’, ‘It is our time’ would be the general reactions. Isn’t it that as well runs the economy? It is but not as required. It is good for some and bad for many. If there is a case that the pollution level is increasing, why can’t it be taken into consideration? We become rigid to initiate a new change. What will society say! And society does say about it. That is the solution and the problem of the problem. They say a lot. We are so trapped into rigidities that making a change doesn’t suit our needs. Why change when there is enough leisure?

The change is here at our doorsteps. It is to go green. If we do not accept it, how will we embark on the process to change it? It is falsehood that the government will take care of everything and anything. They are helpless without the contribution of each one of us. They require our full conscious support to make the required policy changes. This is one of the reasons that policy change does not come earlier because there is not enough consensus about it in society. Mind it, we are society, you, me and every one of us. Society is not a third party. We are part of it and when someone says that society should change, it is we who should change!


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