Caste based discrimination

Caste-based discrimination in India is deep-rooted in people's minds. Those in the lower strata suffer a significant complexity and those in the higher strata think a sense of superiority. The tradition gains authority through some of the ancient texts which were written probably for handling the administration of their times. In the meantime, it took a bad shape and the gap widened.

It is to be noted that this is more of a power game. Any particular caste group is itself multiply divided into subcastes in a hierarchical manner. That means there are higher brahmins and the lesser ones, there are higher kshatriyas and the lesser ones, there are higher vaishyas.. so on. However, it is just not that. The caste communities are in a different power structure based on the region of the country. It is to be noted that the condition of the Brahmins is not the same all over the country. In many places, they do not enjoy authority. This could be related to the presence of a religious place nearby. Also, the intensity of caste is diminishing in urban areas fastly than the rural areas. Newer generation from all groups are smart and do not pay heed to older ideas. In fact, the state given solutions like reservation in educational institutions and government jobs have been harming the harmony in some sense.

Thus, to quote a solution is not easy as it will not be uniformly applicable throughout India. Certain measures that could be taken:
  • Intercaste marriages - This is critical and most important of all. This diffuses the differences between the communities. It is also true that a lot of crimes related to honor killings are taking place all across India. The most quoted reason is, ‘what will society say?’. Most of the families, even though they are progressive in nature, succumb to this. They care too much about the cheap talks around them.
  • Awareness - There are several movies like Darul and literature written on the subject. Famous personalities like Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi tried to work on eradication the evil of discrimination from society. There have been movements within the country. The constitution is clearly against this evil and propagates equality in all respect. More needs to be done in this regard. People should feel the sensitivity of the matter and realize that it is inhuman to do this.
  • Media - It can always play a critical role as long as it is used for the purpose. Increasing the commercialization of media houses is a problem. A majority of the household listen to the news in the home and it can have a direct impact on their outlook with the help of insightful discussions.
Certain other phenomena that are helping eradicate the discrimination are - Nuclearization of the families, increased inter-state and intra-state migrations for the purpose of getting education and livelihood, urbanization of the country, increasing of the qualitative and quantitative aspect of literacy, the scientific orientation of the society, digitization of the country… all these are helping a great way to break the silos and enhance the fixed mindset of the people.

Read my book 'Antarman se kabhi kabhi' 


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