C u l t u r e

The question is rather intriguing and introspective. ‘How is Indian culture being destroyed?’

Care to know, what is Indian culture? What exactly defines our Indian culture? It's related to the lifestyle that we possess. Now, this is tricky when we say ‘we' because that's how we take into account 1.3 billion of us Indians. A good number of us are living outside India and doing wonders. Every 6th person in the world is an Indian and we are interestingly diverse and vivid like the colors of the rainbow.

So, who are Indians? How are we diverse? How is that an important factor in our culture? I will never dare to define being an Indian because it can not be done ideally. However, since my childhood, I have known a thing that there is something or some event as a festival that is taking place around me. People are always in a celebration mode. The festivals are celebrated rigorously both regionally and nationally, one after another. We celebrate everything. We celebrate life, death, living, things around us, our nature, our relationships, and the list goes on. The most important of all of it is that we celebrate peace and harmony.

Tolerance form the core of our culture. We are tolerant. Please introspect here. It is up to you individually to judge if it is being hampered. Also, how about the shrinking cover of nature and greenery around us? There is a growing understanding world over of the importance of nature in our life. Today, if there is some deforestation due to some development related project, it forms the headlines of the news. While we Indians have been praying to the trees and species since unending times. We are already way forward because our culture is unconsciously making us scientific! We should be proud of us and need to conserve it.

Vote bank politics is something deeply troubling. We all know about it. Democracy came to us naturally. We were so democratic that in a single go after independence we said that there is right to equality, right to freedom of religion, right to freedom of speech and expression and so on. We gave women the adult franchise to build in the constitution. Most developed countries today had not done this. Indian constitution forms part of our culture. It has a beautiful preamble that takes care of the most beautiful elements for upholding humanity.

Read my book 'Antarman se kabhi kabhi' 


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