Trolls and Bulls

There is a thin line between bullying and trolling someone or some organization on the internet using social media platforms. We may be at the hands of manipulation when half news or a clip of the discussion is presented to us with the help of various channels & groups that are operating within the social sites with malafide intentions. It is said that when a lie is spoken repeatedly, it appears as truth. Busy in our world when we return to the internet for some gratification out of daily-life frustration, we take shelter in these clips, share it and comment on it varyingly. Let us look it the way, when we upload a new profile picture portraying us in best of shape both physically and mentally, we expect the rain of likes and from the moments of uploading we keep on logging and checking the notification. It has dangerous psychological effects. We may start living in a false balloon of too much appreciation or self-built contempt hampering our confidence. There is news of people taking to extreme steps after being trolled on the internet. There is no concept of treating unequal equally in the media forms. We are equally prone to trolls. There is a large and vivid mass from different backgrounds of literacy levels, emotional and intellectual level who comprehend matter differently all at one platform. We thus post a different kind of contents, at times portraying ourselves doing something. 

Trolling may be more at large scale against some government policies or recent action of a public figure involving photoshopping the picture with short jokes and comments, bullying is more at the personal level when someone intentionally or at times unintentionally affected. Hence a conscious use of the internet is the responsibility of the masses. It should not take any form of discrimination based on our castes, color, race, sex, gender etc. Remember that once a comment is posted, it will be read by different people at different times, who may misunderstand the atmosphere in which it was posted. A thing today may not be that ethical tomorrow. At last, we are free to use this service at our own behest and purposes. Happy Internetting! Okay?


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