
It is difficult to attest to one religious teaching when you see there is not just one but so many of them in the world at different parts of it. There is Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism etc. All of them have some audience who follows it in varying degree. It is human tendency to pick the one which attracts him the most. It is important to see at what circumstances do these religions came about into being at different times. The world is pretty much in conflict because of the intolerance at the boundaries of various religious interactions. One kind of followers want to change others at the same not wants to reform themselves, their traditional shortcomings. Some argue how religion is also a tool to control the masses. In history, we have seen many kingdoms that were theological in nature. Some kings ruled with the authority claimed through God’s wish, that they are their hands on earth. All the time, people happened to believe and brought changes in their lives. We condition our minds and when there is the time for a change, we resist enthusiastically, not really want to come out of the zone or the virtual fortification. There is no strong reason for us to do that but times quietly slide beneath our feet bringing us new horizons. Should this not bring reforms? Well, no one could have stopped the reforms to come by. They have come even when conservatives resist, even if there is a blood bath.

Religion is one of the ways of self-comforting oneself at difficult times. We comfort ourselves citing the happenings as the God’s wishes. It is rather easy to play the passing game. But there is also the thing that one focus on the God so that our mind does not go to other things in life, especially for the old age people who after certain age become less active & find themselves reclusive in a certain space, often marginalized. God is a great help to them. They can easily befriend God and talk to him in his isolation, at his most down situation, exposing himself to naked to his thoughts, of the actions he thinks is wrong or right.

Religion and politics is a messed up thing in a globalized world. A state must not be inclined to a particular religion. There are various kinds of followers a country possess. It is necessary that is keeps an equal distance from all the religions, neither commenting nor performing it publically, so that people’s confidence remains and this leads to stability and harmony. The balance must be maintained. 


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