Mystry that night

I thought to express myself the next day.
That night was mysterious, believe me. There were no stars still the sky was light bluish & I was wondering and equally at awe with the power of the lonely half moon that midnight. What determinism had gotten into him?
I make myself sit next to a couch which I pushed near to the window half open. It was dreadful to expose my presence fully. You see, it was damn cold and silence had stuck the city. No single human was awake. I felt no surprise to that. It has happened before, I have felt it but in towns. Such nights are uncommon for this metropolitan city. People budge in this city in millions. You see what I mean. I didn't know what got into it.
There was a peak and it extended for sometime before I could hear something, a pale, slow howling of the street dog. They broke the ice of the moment. It was like the city breathed again. Thereafter I could see moon sparkle. Later so many started to howl. It got uninteresting so I came back to bed. Bloody dogs...


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