Internet Currents

We are living in an age of connectivity with the advent and penetration of internet services globally. From the scribbling of symbols and pictures in ancient age to the cohorts of writing the manuscript in tree leaves to the invention of printing press, newspaper and now the internet, revolution is passing before our open eyes. You don’t have to belong to a privileged group but to a more liberal, tolerant country where they advocate “Right to speech and expression” may be at varying level. 18 year old from the Saudi Arab who recently fled the country and later took to various social media platforms to reach various international organizations preventing herself to be deported back & arguing the rage of patriarchy and intolerance. The Internet may be setting the right tone of the intermingling of masses to put forward their regional concerns, showcasing their individual talent in art, gymnastics, poetry etc. & hence a community building at the global level.

There are several issues related to sedition laws in different countries, also the barriers to accessibility of internet services owing to the backwardness of the nation-state, there is a net moving forward. The political class is also taking to such platforms to communicate their agendas but they are also becoming sensitive to dissent and later using high-handedness to curb the same. It has serious implications for the minds of the citizens in conducting their lives and in pursuit of freedom. It also sets the global stage for a country in being generous which attracts liberals. So there is the tussle between conservative and liberal elements in the society.

We have seen the downfall of forums like Yahoo!, Orkut to the rise of the giants like Facebook, Twitter, and the new ruler Instagram all being used by different sets of people availing themselves different kind of services. There is a growing balloon of the public who gratify themselves using all platforms and some even end up addicted at the hands of these. This has again lead many technologists to develop apps which could help us in regulating our usage of mobile services. Psychologists have also shown concerns for the effect on the behavior of especially the young generation.

With their magnanimity, there are increased expectations of the masses from the top echelons of these organizations, e.g. last year when Twitter CEO visited Myanmar for promotional purpose & he did not say anything about the plight of Rohingyas for which he was highly criticized, again when he came to India and posted a photograph along with some anti-Brahmanical elements he was whipped. This is setting power structures apart from the governments which could affect the minds and opinions of the masses. We have also received news of the interference of these platforms in the political elections in the countries. It is said that “Data” is the new gold mine. That’s how Google, Facebook selectively present us the information and advertisements based on our past clicks. Concerning with this “Net Neutrality” is being largely discussed in many countries.

All the amazing kind of things going on and with this, we need that there are fine balances in our lives. We must know how much of digital enough for us is individual. In this decision is individual and self-restraint should be performed consciously! 


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