Dreadful dream

"Fire and fury were unleashed at the city when on a certain day the peak of tolerance was melted and countries black-turned their spirits in revenge citing justice and on the other hand demoning the earth. Civilians forcefully recruited and posted at vulnerable sites across the country. There is National Emergency and all the fundamental rights of the citizens are subdued, communication networks severed, press & media knee-broken, currency plunged as aggression prevailed. There is cacophony, chaos, cries, tears as relatives held apart and missing, friends died and the pool of blood flooded the once flowered city. While they comfortably sitting in conditioned rooms, analyzing the grounds through various CCTV cameras, drones and satellite images, carried on their rhetoric in the name of the motherland, promising peace and equality to everyone, one day. No one knows when that day would come. It has never come in the past, neither in the mythology when  God supposedly resided the planet. Who are they to claim then? Hunger and physical disability started taking the soul away from the bodies. Paranoia, mental illness prevailed. War, they say, is a bad thing. Politics, they say, is the art of the impossible. What are they fighting for? Whom are they fighting for? Who is dying in return? Will they come back? Their was large scale investment in accumulating weapons of all kind, especially the most dreaded one, i.e. the weapons of mass destruction. Education was kept in tight shackles of high handedness and self-empowerment made a distant object. Humanity howled in distress and ear turned deaf to it.", all in a sudden when he realised that he has woken up from a dream, saw himself socked wet in sweat. He should not have seen that movie of war the day before. He remained in bed for an hour or so staring blankly at the window facing his bedside. Sun was yet to come but people are already there in their daily activities. Life is precious, he thought. He felt grateful for what he has. Next day he flowered his balcony and fed pegions who used to come and sit there. 


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