Life is a mystery

This world is really strange. In every move of it, there lies a reason, a peculiarity and vivid strangeness. Moreover, one cannot ever say or believe the possibility of anything or a prediction in future of any kind, still many believes in astrology and sometimes it works. Less number of people has approached the solution of the mystery of the true purpose of life, this material world. It is said and believed in Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism and other religions that either God himself or the messenger of God had incarnated in earth in form of human and other animals and had taught ways of living and facing situation in life.

If we observe the world closely, several of humans will start to regret the way we have lived our life. Pondering in to the deep questions like, “What is life?” or “What is the purpose of life?” or “who is running the cycle of death and birth?” or “who really has created everything?” The questions are endless but answers are quite few and unproven. Some norms have been set by the today society. From the birth of the child, many rules of the society are imposed. We are not robot! Sadly, we are becoming one. A child work hard with all the home works, exams, assignments and investing all his lovely childhood in learning information. Well, that’s the case with the top and middle classes of society. The lower poor class has no suitable place here. Their children ponders in street, involve in harsh inhuman activities to manage a time’s food.
After all this, we marry, we give birth to a child, and the cycle repeats. Well, you have to save for the pension, complete the partial grudge on someone, and earn money by wasting your life sitting whole day in a small cubicle doing things that don't matter to you.

For if there is any ultimate creator, he has firmly restrained us into achieving anything of true nature

What really ticks are the complexities of emotions, feelings, bond of love. Why do we behave the way we behave? Sometimes, it feels that we have a destined path to traversed, as is said in the Hindu mythology that it has already been decided by Hindu God Brahma, “what is going to happen with you”. He argues that we traverse accordingly the way we had traversed in past, I mean Karma. 

 By the way, what lies after death and before birth?


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