A beautiful night...

It was late night,
I was awake
to the howling of the stray dogs
down the street

The lonely silence was no more alone
I tried to wander in sleep again
I couldn’t

The yellowish night bulb
Kept fluttering in the room in various ways
The gear in the motor of fan kept on babbling
Annoyingly I jerked off from the bed

I missed silence
Silence missed voices

Through the window pane,
I saw outside
Silence was again engulfing the streets
The stars kept on twinkling
There were several of them
And the cold breeze
Hitting my naked chest

I sat on the balcony chair
To spend the night with
Millions of stars, cool breeze
And silence…

Slowly I realized
It was a night worth awakening
& to feel grateful of

In silence, I hear Mother Nature’s whisper
Into my ears
Her soft caress over my head

I slept, thinking
“What a beautiful night”


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