
She looked like a goddess. Letting her black hairs lose, wearing no fake makeups, no glittering ornaments to support her aroma, she was strolling in the city when the world was fast asleep. It's morning, the sky is filled with a shallow blue-darkness. The roads are empty. The tall urban buildings, the street side disciplined-trees, the sky, the moon, the fading stars and the earth are the silent spectators.

It feels anxious today. It was a troubling week. Lots of unanswered questions. She couldn't sleep at night, tormenting between her wild feelings and dilemmas that she couldn't tell to the unkind social world. She is 27. 

Burning with a calming smile, she has teary eyes. Adversity has made her strong. It's been long that she wanted to do this. She is alone in the streets, facing her deepest fears. She is feeling better and more stable. The winds are heavy, dry and dusty. The summer has arrived quietly. Her long hairs were flying and falling on her face and spreading across her neck as if caressing her while she is seeking her freedom.

Freedom! Is that what she wants? Freedom! What is freedom? The world seems so structurally mechanical to her. Everything seems organized and we humans, arranged in perfect roles as if been a cog in an old machine. Like cog hitting another cog and pushing it forward, making sound, imitating the rules, she doesn't want that. It's this breakthrough that she seeks. She wants to break this monotonous system. She is ready to fight for it. Freedom to live. Freedom to walk alone. Freedom of bodily integrity. Freedom to sing aloud. Freedom to care. Freedom to kiss. Freedom to pray. Freedom to be free at will. That's freedom to her. Total liberty...

This morning, she wished, why is that the lone walks that she tried first? Lone walks are accompanied by self. No one else will be there to talk, but our own internal thoughts. The walk will not end until unless the thoughts stop been chaotic. It's a way of controlling those unruly ideas hitting the brain cells as if they are the king. No! She is the ruler here and she will conquer it by all means. No unruly thought and external force can any longer make her to obey.. That's her.. She, a goddess, taking a solemn long walk. The earth is happy today, as someone walks over it, learning dignity and self-kindness. Cheers!


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