
The coastal winds are strong. It's nighttime. The moon is glittering in a semicircle. Radhe had been feeling very strong nowadays. There was a time when he would fall sick all too often. These days, his skin keeps glowing. He has a wave of new energy flowing inside his body. Yet, he is not restless. It is not the symptom of unaccounted anxiety. Something deep inside him has changed. He could run for miles without getting heavy on the lungs. It doesn't matter whether it is winter or summer, he is as fit and stable as if he has adapted to the environment of all kinds. He could listen deeper and his eyesight has improved to a scale. He thought, "maybe everyone is feeling the same... It must be that I have started to live differently... Change is treating me nicely.."

Radhe is standing over the roof of his 16-storey building, by the seaside. It's been a good day. Even though he has worked the whole day and a significant amount of running, he is all the more energetic. It is as if the wind itself is giving him energy. In the morning, he felt stress-free while baking himself in the sun. When he walks barefoot, he could feel the earth, the texture of it, the grass and the tiny stones. His skin is singing. He could feel the tinklings of ants trekking over his feet. He is genuinely harmless to them. These are good fine days. For him, as of now, the dark clouds are gone and life is treating him nicely.

He climbs up to the edge of the boundary wall. The sea waves are constantly hitting the shore with passionate lust. The waves are high and mighty. The sound of the waves is making some hymns and he could chant with it together. No, he is at peace and having no fear. There is positiveness. He doesn't feel as if someone should be here with him to accompany him and talk to him. He is not alone like in the old days. He is at peace and he is with the company of himself. Its night time. The waves are being mighty. The city lights are fine with several colors. Far across along the shoreline, he could listen to the people on the roof partying and dancing. They are celebrating. In the morning there are so many seagulls by the sea. They would fly over the waves and making their own conching sound. It's bliss to hear them and watch them. He doesn't know where all they go during the night. He wonders how good it will be to be able to fly. He wishes that he had wings! He wants to fly. 

While standing over the edge, he started to wave his hands in the air. He is feeling light. He was humming, cooing and letting the winds strike him. What may have happened further is not known to him. He got detached from the edge. He was no longer grounded. He was not in touch of any surface. He was in the air. He was floating, his eyes remained closed, his body light, winds heavy. In seconds, remaining in his dreamy mood, he knew something has changed. He has achieved something, more like he has come to know something of himself. He could float in the air, like a swimmer who can prevent himself from getting drowned and navigate himself in water, he can do so in the air. It's easy and effortless. This is new for him. It's what he has learned about himself and that his mind has a new will and a new limit to break. He now knew and what remains is to explore this new thing. Not to say that he is not excited and anxious, he lifted himself upwards. "Wow!". "We humans could fly?!". He made it happen through his mind. He had no wings. He wanted to do this and his body is coordinating. That's it. He is flying in the air. He is yet to know why!

Looking down, he realized that he has left the building long back. Up here, with no surface friction, the winds blow faster, colder and stronger! It's colder up here. He is fine but could not regulate the speed. Where should he go? What should he do now? He has a carving for the sea and the sky both. Confidently, he lowered himself near the sea surface and took a speedy glide! Wooh!

It's freedom. He feels upgraded. Why has this happened to him? Who is he? What's he made of? Is he normal physiologically? Or is it just a dream? Is it a dream? No! Yes? He looked down. He feels confused. He feels light. He knew that he is in air. He is flying. He is gushing across the wind. Nothing could be seen but the shabby fog of clouds floating around.

He stressed upon his mind. He tried to move down. There! The city, deep in its sleep, not knowing that someone is jumping boundaries... He flew across several miles at great speeds. He knew that he is conscious. He knew that it's great. He is enjoying it as much as he should. The earth is a big giant ball. There is this blue ocean all around. Down there, we humans are nothing. How small are we and how big is this world! As he glared to heights, he felt chill and although there is less oxygen up here, he has somehow managed it. He felt that as if his whole body is breathing, from every pore of his skin. Does he need oxygen to survive? What's his appetite? He could see the redness of the sky caused due to the scattering of the sunlight. Up here, above all the smog of the polluted city, it's all too serene. He could see that humans, their ideologies, their social rules, everything is just a tiny matter. Something seems futile to him. 

He knows that he is far away from home and he may not know how to reach back. He is willing to explore more, but in time there will be light. Should he search back to his place? Who is he? Superman?.. Where is his home?.. He was in deep thoughts. 

What he saw next is that there was lightning going on over supposedly gigantic cloud formation. There was a heavy sound. He is now fearful of it. What if he got caught in it? He became restless. He felt losing his confidence. He lost his concentration. It's a dream! Oh god, it should be a dream! Is it? He became unstable and started to fall from the mighty heights of the sky, shouting and swirling down under the force of gravity, feeling strong winds needling his body. As it happened, he shouted and his eyes got open! "It was indeed a dream. A nightmare!". His bed is wet from the amount of sweating in his body. What was it? A flying dream... Was it really a dream? He is not sure. It may not be. He looked at the watch, it's 5:50 AM, morning. He is tired and exhausted. He couldn't believe it. Can he fly?..


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