Musicism of the benevolent king

The unintimidating character-forgotten ruler of the country, having lived a pampered life ever since his birth in the castle, now dealing with a severe form of world-reality, ordered that the music will not stop for even a tenth of the second. He wants that this should be a new normal. He is the new king. He wants that a part of his luxurious life should be tasted to the people of his country. His people suffer a lot. Instead of the usual noise of the world, the silence and the cacophony, and where only a few listen to music while others toil day and night under the sun, overworking, overstressing, he wants them to relax a bit. "To hell with the work! Let them all enjoy and go brisk for a while... Hahaha".

Thus he has invested the state coffer's money in mass manufacturing high-quality speakers and placing them at various corners and even remote areas of the country. The music kept on playing 24*7 in the kingdom. During the night, they play slow calming jazz, or something in violen to soothe the nerves of the anxious people, and also depending on pure randomness and the mood of the Ministry of Music. During the day, it could either be some rapping, rocks, band instrumentals, metals, plane whistles, flute, and so on. The evening is meant for light folk music. As the city inhales darkness, they need to learn that it's all good and wow.

People call him the mad king. But slowly they are becoming addicted to this new thing and owing to their usual habit of worrying, they have come to worry about it too. However, music is an abundant content. It's not that it will ever extinct. It could never be privileged & could never be polluted, it is largely believed. People worry that there are rogue elements where some kinds of genres are given more weight than the others. They worry, as they have to, and they thus, and worry, and also forget for a while. Music is indeed divine, but what this worrying phenomenon. How should the king tackle it? King understands that it might not be the people's fault that they worry too much. They have been prosecuted ever since the beginning of the 'civil'ization. Humans have exploited another human. The powerful ruled and abdicated the property. Powerful made the laws as per their wishes. In the process, they would inflict pain and fear. The worrying is genuine on their part. If they do not worry, it's worrisome. "This must change! The worrying must stop!", the king said to his ministers in a firm voice.

There is news that other few countries are imitating this idea into their country as well. There is heavy demand for speakers from all across the world. People want this to be replicated in their region. They want music in their dry brisky lives! However, not all the kings are benevolent and they think that why should these lowly class enjoy. They think and compare them to insects and be booted down. They are cruel and acquire huge powers with them. They are even planning and grouping against this musicism trend. They want this to stop and they will do whatever in their ambit to stop this.

"What a beautiful age are we living in!". The old men are happy and content. The productivity of the economy has increased and also the happiness index. The new generation has come to adopt musicism. Instead of their racial outward distinctions, their colors, their birth time belief in religion, gender, creed and caste, economic background, they are regrouping based on their musical preferences. They have never realized that it is even possible that the people of other groups like their kind of genre. "The grouping and comparison must be avoided!", King pondered and asked the people to not think of their genres as better than others. They should respect each other's choices of music... There should be mutual harmony and the absence of any kind of egoism. "We need to compromise for others"... "The state also has limited capacity and lots of constraints"... "It's impossible without the co-operation of the people...", read an announcement.

The human's way of dividing and comparing is too old and they have always done this. The fear of always losing out, the survival instinct to collectivize with the like-minded has always polarised the masses. King knew that in time the idea will stagnate and there will be ritualism in this too. People have already started to think that some music is better than other music and it's a problem. Independent thinking, the liberty of the individual, the idea of freedom, humanity, and the belief in equality are in danger. King must innovate.

"Only an independent body, non-bigot, not in any influence, having no nepotic objective, favoritism and consist of members who are fond of different genres, not too large and not too small and which can read and wander among the public and study their problems...", the minister argued before the king. Change is the only benevolence. The idea should be inclusive and need to address the current problems. Should he legislate to ask people not to do this? Should he penalize the wrongdoers? How will he compare who did it? His own soldiers and ministers are not unbiased. "More the rules dictum, lesser the liberty". The challenge is large, but so is the goal...



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