Deepening administration is deepening surveillance?

Passing through the locality square or some other public places we must have encountered a CCTV camera which is a third eye of the state put up at the place to monitor any wrongdoings. These cameras are proven worthy to identify a criminal once the wrong is done. There is increased dependence on these cameras and similar measures like loosen norms on peeking by the state surveillance agencies into the personal computers and phones of the citizen. Even the phone can be tapped. Developed countries are the fore-runners. What is right or wrong is based on the idea of the state perspective. Whatever they legitimize, will be true and vice-versa. In the name of national security, the laws can be invoked to curb the personal freedom of speech, expression, movement, and assembly. It is much different than the primitive, ancient & the medieval ages where political boundaries were still open for migration. People could move to other places, boundaries were flexible and this allowed the energy dissipation to take place. By this way the privacy of the individual was safe. Now, one has to align our etiquettes, our thoughts, expression largely sticking to the state perspective. Dissent is seen as anti-nationalism and a possible threat. To this, one sometimes asks, what is left natural in living life? Are we a robot subject to economic growth?

Wildness is subjugated to professionalism. Force may not be explicitly seen but deeply ingrained within the society implicitly. Increased population is one reason why such extremes are taking place. Some say that we are in a transition from the old spiritual society to a new modern society and religion will slowly be dissipated. It hardly seems to be that way. In fact, religion will now guide the masses from a political angle. It has taken the public shape than that of private affairs. Also, look back and introspect when were we in stable phase actually? Society, norms, values, traditions were always on the run and have shaped itself with time. There have always been conflicts as we human beings were always rigid and resisted change on the face of our ignorance.

But then where is the end to sufferings? How far will we have to go further to uphold the freedoms and absolute tolerance? Yes, we could not isolate ourselves from society. Subject to our varied living environment, we can surely feel differently both in the spiritual and intellectual sense and material affinity. It is linked with our survival and at times arbitrariness which is most close to nature. Surveillance restricts the free movement on the four dimensions of mind, space, time & inner peace. 


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