Are political parties necessary in the democracy?

What will be the difference if there are no political parties and candidates are free to run for election independently? At present, there are certain roadblocks in the way to democracy. It has not reached its maturity and is experimenting on various terms. This plays a role in the degree of chaos within the party and the country as well. When the people will not be in sync with the popular party in power, there will be dissent and the laws and leadership will always be surrounded by criticism and thus instability. There is an increased influence of money and muscle power within the party itself. Those with more money, even without significant experience and people’s support get the top position or ticket in comparison to a more deserving candidate. Our constitution offers for everyone after a certain age to stand for election, independently or with an existing party tag. At the current set up, it won’t be a level playing field for the independent candidate and the one from the political party. A party is formed by leaders, active members, and followers. The party follows certain principles and it propagates the same during the elections. That’s another case that there are decreased differences between the principles of the various parties. It has more or less diluted. The party system in itself is increasingly undemocratic. In most cases, the leader at the top is influential and holds no discussion to the one at the bottom of the pyramid. The key decisions are taken by them and communicated down the line. Also, the elected party when legislate, the members are bound to follow the whip in most cases. The dissent is largely not allowed and it led way to populist laws be passed in the parliament. The soul of the democracy is participation, not only of the elected representatives but also of the people at large. The various interest groups, pressure groups, civil societies, NGOs etc. should be made part of the decision making. Surveys, small referendums, census are the mature form of democracy. A democracy cannot be driven by the view or perception of a few leaders alone. There should be interparty and intraparty exhaustive discussions on important matters and the condition of whip should only be included when there is a greater cause at the bay. An independent leader can be better isolated from such influences and will be able to bring forward his views after consulting from the public in his/her territory. We definitely need a better system, more refined in which at least the visible fault lines be dealt with. We are indeed humans and not sheep. Rationality is the hidden side of democracy.


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