Green dreams

He saw the same place in his dream lately. The place gives him a sense of sacredness. There are tall big trees with large canopies, filled with all kinds of nests of different colored birds, all playing to their tunes, and cooing. There is a thick mist near the bottom and there when he looks, standing at a distance, he finds peace, a deep calm fall through his mind, chilling his heart mildly. It is hypnotising. It pulls him not. It asks for nothing. It gives the peace of life. Its magnanimity is heart touchingly generous. How he remembers the thin silently flowing transparent river at the other side. It shines when the non bullying sun cast its burn over it. As he looks into the riverbed, he finds a deep valley and not a surface... At another time, it was raining with in. There was a slow drizzle, never interrupting the ecosystem, not a bit of chaos, just a plain sound of friction over the river. He knew that he secretly craves for green. His dream gives more than that.

Here, living at the heart of a dense metropolis, everything is heard through the shaking walls of his one bed apartment; the quarrels, sales pitches, utensils, plays, gossips, television's maniacal shouting anchors and so many other things. The cloud of poisonous dust ever fills the sky giving the false reflection of dark clouds. Every single thing of this modern hi-tech urban place is manipulative as if trapping a human into his own web of material dreams and later making him regret for his decisions that he dwells here. The roads are packed with overflowing drains and honking vehicles. Crows and pigeons reign in every corners. The city is overpopulated with humans and their stinking greed.

It is changing him deeply, this dark evil aura. Inside, he could not feel anything but a deep widening hole. How should he make a run.. when should he climb over the walls of this city.. for he must.. for he must before it's too late. He wants to be truly free.


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