Treasure found

Weather was cloudy. Mild bluish light covered the city. Wind was roaring. Plants and trees were dancing. Kids were noisily playing on the street. Few vehicles. It was towards the evening after a long day of autumn. 

He was sitting besides the window, watching the clouds. He was silent but attentive. Yet he gave no movements except some hard punching on to the arm of the chair every now and then. He was not calm, a bit anxious. He wore a white shirt, never put it off after coming back from the office. He was tired. His shoulders were paining due to a heavy workout in the morning. He was hungry.

Her long hairs were all over the bed on one side while she remained quietly lying on the bed towards the other side. She was awake. There was silence inside the room along with the fragrance of the jasmine perfume that she had put on. They had a fight. She had a teary wet face, blackened large eyes,  disheartened and clinched herself to the pillow.

"Should I sing for you?", he asked desperately, accepting the defeat, trying to make a patch. There was no answer. He was scratching the chair's arm, worried. After few minutes, "It's becoming darker. I think it will rain soon..", he broke again. There was only a slight movement of her head towards the window. No answer though. "Can I cook today", he said again. "No need of that", she replied finally in a rude voice. He doesn't want to tell her that he is hungry. It would sound selfish.

May be getting a hint, she randomly carried herself out of the bed and walked towards the kitchen....or she was looking for something else. There was movement in the room. He became a bit hopeful of that.

"Let us order your favorite dish today!", he said excitingly. It did not help, instead she felt irritated. "Why did you do that?", she spoke heavily, back from the kitchen room. "What could have I done, I had no other option.. I tried my best.. best..", he replied.

There was a second of silence, before he stood in his legs for a while and started to move out. He was hungry, now detached that he could not make patch, and disgusted that he failed her. He said, "I.. I was stuck in the traffic. The shop owner said that some other person took it." She remained silent. He moved closer to her to console her, taking her to arms. She dragged herself and moved away.

Dejected, he wore his chappals and moved out of the house down the streets. In a while, it started to rain heavily. Cloud started to burst in a feary loud voices. The sky was litting with thunderbolt. In a hurry, he forgot his phone in the house. She was now alone in the house. She felt calmed with a sense of having won something, a bit free and light. Night was nearing. She ate something from the fridge, came to bed and soon fall asleep.

She woke up when it was midnight. Through the open window, water had come in. He was not there. He had not come. She looked at the watch and left the bed. It was late. Rain was calmly hitting the city. There was a zeee sound. Water was draining out of the terrace through the pipes. Frogs were making sound. She waited and went to her phone checking for messages.. 

It was getting late. She tried his phone only to know that it's here. She grew desperate, peeked out of the window in a hard hitting rain... She started to roam in the room. There was police siren as a vehile is passing through. It added to her anxiety. She was now worried for him. She knew that she over reacted and it was not much of a fault of him. She was just sad and he tried to make her.. Clouds remained loud, Rain - violent and wetter.

She was about to call the emergency services, when she heard the noise in the stairs. Hurriedly she opened the door, to find him totally drained in water, cold and shiver. She knew that she found a lost treasure. He was hugged.


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