A dead rainbow

The rainbow was full
It glimmered and shone
It remained in hope
It hanged and smiled

And more but soon, it faded
With time

It perished in despair
Into darkness and nothingness
Into neglect and away
And sorrow, and misery
And disease, and pain

Midway to death
and life, and less 
Overhanging with innocence
And light, and color
And magic and hope
Kindness and infinity

But boundaries and
And procedures
And laws
And anarchy
And domination 
Their privileges

But not love
And care
And no solace
But madness

Days became heavy
Heart grew small
Soul contracted
and shattered in pieces

But thy ignored the agony
Remained in their high castles
Gliding in their own rainbows
Making peace and songs
Chattering with birds
But doing no justice

Thy quietness overkilled
And the world laughed
Of shamed irony


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