November rain

Once in a while, he used to come here to let go of his fears and anxiety. The city became too tough for him to restore his internal peace. He was tragically broken with people's harsh use of words. Words which used to penetrate him like a dragger across his heart. The wounds used to take ages to relieve and just accumulates one after another, days after days, nights after nights. No prayers ever listened. No god ever signaled. He felt that a cage is circumventing him with passing time but the quest is nowhere to be solved... 

November is coming. He loves the month. He feels that it is a bit calmer than all the other months. He feels that November embrace it. It is that time of the year when he comes here, to his place, deep into the jungle, away from all the crowd, away from the city... So he went there walking miles, crossing the bushes and the river... He believed he has reached the place, but...

This time the place was nowhere to be found. He thought that he missed the way. He thought he took the wrong way. He walked back and looked frantically here and there. At one end, he returned back and started running to where he was, where he believed that the place existed. Yes, this place. He came here last November, and the last one... Where has he gone? He could not believe his eyes. He felt as if his head is swirling. The place existed here. 

He finally realized that the place is burnt to ashes by someone from the city. He knelt down and started to cry. He was aggrieved with pain in his mind. He cried taking several deep breaths but there were no tears. His tears were exhausted.  He felt alone. He felt tired. He missed his place. He was shaking. And then, it started to rain. It was raining heavily...

There was no place to hide. He was tired of hiding. He was tired of listening. He was wet from top to bottom. He was now feeling his body. He had several internal bruises that can't be seen to naked eyes. It was cold and wet. There was the loudest thunderbolt. He raised his head and felt the raindrops hitting his face. Something has started to change. He was no longer crying. He raised both of his hands towards the sky. It was as if November is there. Yes, November is there and he was permanently embraced. He was no longer afraid of anything. He felt that the rain washed off all of his bruises. That was the day he will never forget. The day that empowered him. He walked back to the city. 

Strong has he become, harder his heart; Louder his footsteps, sharper his eyes.


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