Is career a 20th-century invention?
Going outside the door and I find so much rush behind the money. In the Television, there are populous shows which keep running & portraying the power of money and consumerism. They also set the trend for us. If you have money, you can have a good house, mobile phone, good clothes to wear, even things like “pure” water and “pure” air. Cannot humans be wild like other animals? We are indeed “humans” and not “machines”. Sadly the animal nature in us is condemned and suppressed, which compel us to hypocrisy behind closed doors. Even then the “machine” communities are not okay with that and have started surveillance. Earth is made an annoying place to live. A mistake committed a decade ago cannot be tagged with a person’s present character because we do learn from mistakes and we are not born a Superhero with perfect doses of ethics.
There are government schemes running, restrictions posed by the international community because of the hampered business. People seem to be worried about climate change, yet they feel powerless and believe that the government will take care of it. Unemployment is definitely a curse these days. You will be seen a potential criminal & a burden to the national economy. With the shrinking natural spaces, increasing urbanization and overreaching laws, you cannot collate into infinity without money.
We might be living in the best of the centuries in terms of the facilities, innovations and a linked world; there is something wrong with respect to the contracting walls on us.
Today’s notion is you got to possess well a to do degree, with a well to do grades in your educational instituted wherever you have rubbed yourself for years. We are simply factory-made products & certification is important. You don’t become an engineer because you have a genuine interest in it, you become one because the government wants it & society wants it. We are surrounded by virtual cages.
Human & animal rights are not two different things and should not be treated as two different. Commercialism & capitalism are discriminated concepts and are promulgated by the few in the name of development & these few are supposed to possess the luxury of the world, rest all are made fools. So don’t cheer yourself for being a fool because the fact is the top 1% of the world’s richest people already holds more than 40% of the total wealth. Career making may be one disguised way of becoming a slave in the modern world.
As of now, roll your sleeves & get back to your work!
As of now, roll your sleeves & get back to your work!
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