Nature at Peril

We need to thank nature for her generosity and modesty in sustaining all kind of living beings in her lap. Nature is hence we are. Without nature's evolution, we all could not have evolved. We could not stop thanking her for providing us with all the natural resources but more so with the breathtaking landscape experiences, the purity of which is incomparable to any other technological innovation. Needless to say, our culture & tradition only revolves around it.

With the uncontrolled exploitation of freely available resources in recent decades, an imbalance has been created which is only widening with years if not stopped. Not only that, the rise in pollution level across all bases that could transmit through air, water and land will be irreversible if proper steps are not taken. It would be different if the scale of compensatory measures kept matching with the exploitation. This shows that we are irresponsible and unaware of the grave situation in front of us, although all of us are feeling its bad repercussions in our health, our lifestyle, and living standard. 

This may be another form of genocide because it is totally man made & this time it is global and class-based. If you have money, you can easily protect yourself but on the other hand the natural calamity every year leaves lakhs and lakhs of poor people homeless and many lose there lives. There absolute cause and effect behind this and we are the silent disintegrated observer outbound with no power and helplessness.

This year only in India has caused us billions of dollars and innocent lives due to calamities e.g. Kerela floods, Orissa cyclone which was also widely covered in media. Floods in Brahmaputra and Kosi rivers recurs every single year and is responsible for the poor economic situation of the native populations. This also led many people to migrate in search of livelihood. Species which used to exist and live 'freely' in the wild are pushed to extinction and caged in zoos in the name of conservation. What is their fault in this? It is human who are exploiting and is the reason behind all this. Why not to stop our bad practices instead of taking counter steps and making others life miserable. Our population has over exploded in the past century and our lifestyle is breaking all the barriers.

We all must become aware of and discuss this problem with fellow beings to come up with feasible solutions and not the draconian systems of caging innocents in the National Parks, the bioreserves etc. This is immoral, unethical and hypocrite of us. First, we killed them, then we caged them and then we feel proud to have done this & in the whole process, we remained well within our comfort zones.

Let us change for good and raise voices against the injustice. Let us be grateful to Mother Nature and give her the bloodless respect which she truly deserves!


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