Skilled Human power

Most of us are worried that this country is not moving forward as fast as it holds the potential. The growth of the Gross Domestic Product is dependent on too many external factors. Farmer’s income is dependent on good Monsoon season as only half of the Indian farmlands have irrigation facilities. General business is fragile enough to be affected by the volatility in the global crude oil prices that in turn is dependent on several factors such as the peace and stability in the Middle Eastern countries, our ups & downs in relations with the crude oil-exporting countries, COVID 19, oil cartels, and so on.

We thus remain worried about the events that keep on happening around us and also have the tendency to blame the politicians for the problems every now and then. Social media is one of the platforms in which we discharge our anger & frustration. People say that nothing could happen with this country & that we are too doomed to move forward and taste success. This is bitter. Everyone is just a political expert. We care too much about what has a politician said and what scandal is he getting involved in recently. We share this apathy with the people of other countries. Protests are regular steaming nowadays. However, we do not share their human development index. When it comes to living a quality life, both at the bottom & at the top of the hierarchy, we lack terribly in comparison to them. Even Antillia of Mr. Ambani could not stop him from being affected by the surroundings. Money is simply not everything for a quality living. Good neighbors with high human capital play an equal part in the peace and tranquility of your mind. One cannot sit inside a nuclear bomb and feel safe.

In urban cities, we get increasingly more facilities than a rural town. People are involved in dispatching all kinds of services. You can avail quality medical treatments, state-of-the-art infrastructures, 24*7 electricity, PVRs, pubs, cabs, education institutes, and entertainment parks, and so on, all at the fingertip. This is important in the Indian context as qualified graduates & skilled manpower is moving in greater proportions to the urban centers to avail of good living. There is a widening gap in the growth of the rural and urban areas. There is also an East-West & North-South divides even so the natural resources are uniformly distributed.

Scholars have been pointing out these differences and urging the responsible authorities to work for it. Sometimes, helplessly, they dedicate their own life to the upliftment of the backward areas. They find out time for teaching the students of the slum, get involved in the social events & spread awareness among the ignorant masses, and still sometimes get beaten by them.

We are one of the top five countries in getting the number of engineering graduates. Lakhs of them pass every year and look for jobs that do not define the curricula they have been into during their courses. It is often quoted that our graduates lack employability. This is true to a limit. Our educational institutions lack the required infrastructure and financial soundness for delivering the best of the results. See that not a single Indian university is among the global ranking of top 50s and yet we are one of the fastest-growing countries and the one that is the youngest. Also, how many of the undergrad could get an opportunity to work as an intern in a good institute? Our per capita incomes are one of the lowest in the world.

The idea is that we need both the quality & the quantity along with the diversities. We need people in all fields. We need scientists belonging to doing work in the atom physics & space exploration and as well involved in taking care of the optimization of the sanitation drive in the country's drain. We need doctors who are specialized in child care, women problems, neurological disorders, anesthesia, and surgery, and so on. We need architects, urban & rural planners, writers, researchers, statisticians, photographers, chefs, food & agriculture experts, industrialists & fashion designers. It is similar to the one that we need sportsperson who are not just playing cricket but several other games. It has to be made sure that all these are involved in the development of the country with positive externalities. If there is a contract work in the PWD office, it should be assigned to the one who is qualified for it and not a quack! 

We are practically sailing in a ship where all the passengers are shouting for help and yet no one is present on the ship with the required skill-set for the needed help. When the oil field in Assam at Baghjan was on fire, we need to get experts from outside the country. If bullet trains have to be built, it has to be done along with the technical help from Japan. We cannot do our own tasks! We are the second-largest importer of defense equipment in the world that runs into billions of dollars. The reason is simple – we need people from within the country who can optimally do the job. Isn't it amazing that the Prime Minister of Ireland is a doctor & that he was giving weekly services during the COVID struggle? It does seem that we have a long way to go.


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