The education system of ranks

It is unilateral thinking to judge a student based on his rank in a particular examination. It does not fit well with the current system which is multidisciplinary in nature and even though there is a lack of diversity in quality across cities, towns, and villages. The student’s socio-economic background is completely out of the picture in this system of ranking people. No relative progress is observed. More so, if the student genuinely not interested in detailed studies, society will ensure that he will be shamed. This is done by hailing the toppers and the students who even scored moderately will lose their worth. The biggest drawback is that somewhere from inside the student is shattered and his confidence lay low. The toppers will make them feel so & teachers, relatives will push this down the throat by continuous reminders, biased attitude and so on. There is no sync and it is systematically designed to act like this every single year. No one cares how much guidance the student is undergone. No one bothers what the child wants. And there is a crisis of decision making as the students are in a dilemma to choose their next course.

What is needed is personal counseling, admiring the person's abilities and opening ways for him in such a way that the students feel excited to pursue it. There must be zero shaming to any profession. All must sound equal in terms of prestige and its contribution to society or the nation. No single profession will make you a hero, no single profession will lower your status – Everyone is equal.


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