Plant tho

It is quite proven that plants and trees are living beings. When we read about them they are rather categorized as a mechanical living being, we will list their benefits for the earth and the humans, we will talk about their wood usage, usages in medicine and so on. But then, what’s wrong with the vegetarians? Why can’t we accept that eating vegetables and fruits is quite a part of killing a living being? Isn’t it similar? What difference does it make to eat an animal than a plant, which may not showcase its feelings, its cry, and its tears, although it may very well feel the same! It takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen in the process of making its own food. That means, they vie for a living. As Mahavira said, ‘all beings long to live’, they are just the same. Taking this and when looking at the large scale deforestation in the previous century, it may very well be called a silent genocide. Does this earth belongs to humans and the rest of the living beings are meant to serve the humans, rot in the zoos, become their food, a source of entertainment only? Or, is it cruelty over the lesser advantages beings of the planet by the more mobile and as they say ‘intelligent’. There is an obvious human population explosion in the past century and there are more than 7 billion of them occupying this earth and exploiting it as a master over the slave. The ecosystems are destroyed and already a number of species are fast extinct. I feel sad about it and more so with the utter insensitivity around it. It is as if no one cares. It is a new planet where oceans are polluted, the air is toxic and no space to place the foot!


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