The current state

A few minutes ago, I received a greeting from an uncle of my native town. It was about the birth anniversary of one of the Gods. To be very frank, I felt less concerned. It has been coming to me that we, the dwellers of Earth, in the quest of saving the religion, have been desperately pushing for it, knowingly-unknowingly how the current new generation would take it. Religion has always been important and I believe it has always evolved as well. Through time, all the previous forms are now accepted as one of the sects of the religion for a particular religion. I mean, the evolution which would be occurring in the previous times must also be met with angry conservative ones who protested for the status quo and no change in the norms, because they are most accustomed to It – they are most comfortable to be. This also implies that whatever I believe now may stand up as conservative to the future generation and they would think differently of me and my values. Pushing for the ideology generally denigrates it and besides the use of ‘force’ implies that it failed to appeal to the new generation, maybe because it was not allowed much freedom to evolve with time. In the age of media and all-time high access and connectivity, one cannot push for the status quo. It will be uncomfortable for people and they will react to it. If women were not considered of much value in the past, it is bound to change, because it’s not the muscle power which dominates the current world, it is intelligence, and more so emotional intelligence. Also, the accessibility of culture across the border at the tip of the finger has brought dynamism and if this energy in any way is obstructed, it will be catastrophic. The river of change should be regulated with the experience of the older generation, but not desperately, rather with an open heart. They must realize that things have always been this way. It may be that the rate of change is far more in the present context.


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