Mother Nature!

When the world will come to an end
I will not be there
Neither will my generation
Our generation, the killer of the nature
Killer of the purest form of life
Swimming deep and losing the soul,
We are busy with our greedy needs
& harming badly our environment

We are hypocrites
Scientists are getting inspires by the animals,
In return destroying everything
When was the last time you saw a sparrow singing near your balcony?
I guess, not at near past

Where Mother Nature have been sacrificing for us
 And we are stabbing in her back
Why have we so lost in our selfishness?
Why have we become so grateful being?
Where is sympathy towards crying Mother Nature?
Why can’t we feel her pain?
Why can’t we remove the veil out of our wide eyes?

Oh Mother Nature!
I could not see your pain and sufferings
For you are bleeding heavily and barbarically
And I am unable to make an effect!
Oh Mother Nature!
Oh Mother Nature!!
Hold my hand!
Hold my hand… Grasp it tightly…


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