Diseased of Smartphone?

So we all made up to 7.1 billion people in Earth. There have been revolutions through ages that have changed the course of life, brought upon many unprecedented changes among dwellers of this planet. We thrived on many great missions and achieved the impossible through the unstoppable advancements in the technologies and everyday unimaginative discoveries. We have been touching all the spheres of life and exploring new ones with ever increasing speed.

Oh Oh Oh… Let’s stop for a moment. Where are we heading by the way? Riding with such a tremendous speed, can we afford to look back upon the number of accidents we did? Like electricity is made out of coal is dangerous to the environment. That vehicle running on kerosene, petrol and diesel emit harmful gases, harmful to inhale. There, plastic bags are non-biodegradable. And mobile phones are emitting radiations that may cause diseases like cancer. So scientists discovered Nuclear weapon for mass destruction! Yeah, for taking the revenge out of few, innocent masses are supposed to be killed.

Wait! Smartphones are created for depriving people out of their life to the fake lives of other via bewildered overstated statuses. While riding in buses, train, car, rickshaw around the city, increasing number of people are seen chit-chatting in social networking sites. A feeling of strangeness mixed with scariness run through the veins, while looking around majority of the people peeking deep in their cell phone screens. What has gone with the idea of actually living and feeling the present, seeing the people at the shops, talking with co-traveler, watching the mixture of sparkling city lights, accidentally missing sibling or a friend on a fine day sitting around, watching the stars at night, remembering a physical conversation of past with someone…?

Smartphone is a revolution or a disease is yet to be proved in the coming times. We do live the present but with a deprivation of a real feeling of actually living in it or with the limited smiley faces available in the keypad. Observing a moment is important or recording it through the smartphone for posting it to others in social sites to be seen by others? Don’t you miss watching a sunrise out of the faraway hill? 


  1. Dude I read all of your blogs & all of them are different & awesome. Yeah this age is too fast & we don't cope with it then we would left behind -- this is the thought many people think daily & in some way they are right but bcs of this they are loosing the meaning of life , interaction with new people & haan the sunrise , sunset , & major point people forgot how to breath .
    I am also one of them but sometimes I think I have plenty of time to do the things that mean something like going for a walk in evening , inhale oxygen in a proper way , feel the cold air gushing around me , talk with people but also think why , you would be tired , people don't have time to talk & suddenly the first thought dies & I again back to my mundane life .

    1. Yeah dheeraj. Somehow the puzzle of life is hard to solve. Hope we could do well.


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