Day of days

His phone is filled up with people he hardly calls now. All formal knowings. He craved for solidarity but it was nowhere. He was alone still calm. He was alone in his bed, with himself. He picked up his phone and started to select contacts one by one. Only a quarter remained after which he comfortably pressed delete and in an instant, these dummies were out of his life. 

He was off today, inactive, a kind of restart he wanted for a long time. He laid in bed thoughtless. He listened to all the songs he wanted to listen, one after another, dipping into each and cherishing the memories attached to it, if any. He listened to the lyrics and started to the ceiling, at ease and giving no regards to time. It is as if today the saga of time won't hurt him. Today when time passed, he laughed at it. He overpowered the time today.

When he was saturated, it was already near noon. He decided to walk down the road, like a stranger, like the most common man. He was ready in an instant and out within a minute. At first, he walked towards the highway which was more than a kilometer away from his rented room. He walked and watched and did not reacted a bit. He saw how different it is the world from the theories and knowledge in the books. He felt that he took the right decision to escape into the material world. For some time, he was the prisoner of his mind. Today he escaped from there. Isn't it strange that it is his pure will which escaped him... 

Reaching the highway, he arbitrarily took right and walked. In some distance, he could see that an able man has arranged for food for the passersby. He was there in the queue waiting for his turn patiently. At first, he thought that he is probably better off for this as it is arranged for the one who couldn't afford. But he took the other side and ate the food. He continued into the street absorbing the so-called modern world and the one of the overwhelming presence of poor. It is probably not possible to enjoy the country's fundamental rights without the socio-economic balance. How can a person with no certainty of the day's food, a roof to live, proper clothes to wear and hygiene environment effectively live? It is tough out here. It is hot and it is boiling with inequalities.

After walking for more than two hours, it was time to back and consolidate the day. On return, he spent on exotic food and ate until he was full. As the sun was about to set, he was done with his pending petty works and benevolently called it a day. He knows that it was time to be sucked back into the unforgiving system and to balance to what the Chinese described as 'Tao'.


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