Lil fever

Day before yesterday, the weather turned wet. Whole day I remained inside the room. Then I had to have food at night. It was already late. Maybe near ten. I was in hurry, all well tho. Only when I stepped outside the gate, I realized that it was showering. There were pools on the road. It was unusually dark and bit quite. Most street vendors had left. Some were packing up. They usually stand until eleven. I think they are robot. They work from eight in the morning. And I don't see regret in their faces. 

It was the first of March. This year's two months had already passed. Remembering the last night, when it was still February, I decided to step outside the gate, unarmed with winter sheets and any water cover. The drops started to hit my head. Soon I was shivering. I still walked, thinking that it's ok. I thought I could do with this. I thought it's trivial and I have had more before.

Next day only, I got weakness, mild fever. I was proud that I had an unharmed winter. I guess proud doesn't last long. Never trust your heart. Here I am, in bed, minor headache, staring the ceiling, strolling thru media. I may have to take the pills. My bad. It's 4th march. Time's flying.


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