Finding answers

I think there is colonization of pseudo intellectuals   at the upper classes. They are the one premature beings who get media attention because they shine of their passed-down inherited money, flaunt the most of luxury and attract public at large. They get to set agenda for the rest of poors and middle class. How to deal with this colonization cum capitalism? How to ensure that the burgeoning hard working middle class do not suffer, yet get a voice and ears and eyes to listen? How to set the right agenda? What is the right agenda? Is it health, education, poverty, hunger, inclusive growth or is it 'what this upper class think when they are in bathtubs, what do film star eat in their second shift of breakfast, what breed of dog they have and so on..'? How to ensure equity? How to ensure minimum wages, work life balance, food and water for all, clean air without employing costly air purifiers to all? How to save humans in becoming a pet under a capitalist? If life is short and nature is the true owner of property, how to stop the tyranny of unequal resource distribution? Competition is the determining factor yet under the realm of a moral authority. That's why state, law & order maintaining machineries, judiciary exists. But then it is so poor that there is widespread injustices and no one to hold up accountable. Welcome to 21st century Indian subcontinent.


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