
He wore a clean & shining white shirt and black trouser. His hair was combed. He wore shoes. I wondered if he really owns this auto. He was more presentable than any other auto driver I had ever seen. I put my luggage and sat. He seemed nice and we got in conversation. Later I got to know that his son is in US doing job in a corporate. He had done Hotel Management from a reputed institute and was working at Taj Hotel some years back. He had worked at Hotel Oberoi as well. He was calm and sounding genuine.

My curiosity asked him why is he running an auto even after the privileges of so many skills. He told me that one incident changed his entire life. It was 26/11. When it happened, he was there at Hotel Taj, Mumbai. His friends who was close to him, with whom he was intimate, was killed in front of his eyes and for three days he remained under table of the bar of the hotel with all pool of blood around. He only drank water, no food, only gunshots could be heard.

Soon, there was silence in the auto. I was then looking outside to the passing city.

'But why you left the hotel?', I asked. "Sir, my friend was shot in front of me and he was in blood and all the scene kept running infront of my eyes over and over. I even dream of it. I was hellbound and in shock. I couldn't continue. I tried. I now own this auto and make enough for a simple living. I live with my family. I want a peaceful life"

Reaching my destination I gave him a firm handshake. He smiled and turned his auto alongwith his broken fate and a broken heart.

29/10/18, I mark this day when I met him.

26/11, In the history of democratic India is one of the dark days when cruelty was poured from the sea route. They shot bullets inhumanely. Even kids were not spared. Terrorism has no language. Even today in many parts of the world, this barbarism is taking place, innocents are being brutally killed in the name of religion and large scale of population are migrating to different places leaving their native places behind. Imagine the grave impact in their lives. Who calls to stop this? When will humanity prevail?


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