India on cycle

On one side when there is high volatility of the face value of depreciating Rupee with a frequent upsurge in the global market, it is a cause of worry to the Indian diaspora and to the developing and maturing market with regards to the future of the nation. It is likely that not only structural but societal changes are necessary to promote a strong economy and a country which can take the load of the unstable geopolitics. We all know that rising fuel prices affect the majority of the economy. Government is trying to look forward to the renewable energy means which is a good sign. But it is said that prevention is better than cure. Renewable technology will come with its set of challenges e.g. we are unaware of its pros and cons because it has not been implemented yet and is least available, it will take a huge toll at the exchequer because we have no ready infrastructure for the same and at the end of the day the rising demand of energy may subsume the energy potential from renewable, to what is said of the IC engine run vehicles which have nearly gulped the roads & highways of the nation?

Questions can remain and only coming time will clear the uncertain nature of it… Meanwhile, what can be the sustainable solutions? I believe cycling can be one of the brilliant supports. And to say the least, it is tremendously undermined in India. It has direct health benefits, it promotes the spirit of sport, sound and air pollution can definitely deep rest, and roads can be less busy and at the same time, spacious. Moreover, gone are the days of heavy cycles, there are light-weighted, good looking fashionable frames with multiple gears for an easy and comfortable drive. There are cities like Pune which majorly due to its mild climate has seen a good population of cyclists. With government provided subsidies to not only on its purchase, we can do a lot in promoting more home-made manufacturing facilities supported with R&D and laws with which we need to bring cyclist friendly environment and the results will definitely be breathtaking!

Awareness among the masses is the keystone to start with. Riding a bicycle than a high-class vehicle should not shame Indians to hit the road. The taboo has to be dealt with because cycling is green, healthy and a sustainable solution… So next time you see a person riding on his bicycle, please be patient with him & not honk the ear out of its guts!

What do you say?


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