"Right" Awareness

Should we stop telling the children that one day, when they are going to be old & they will become a superhero or super rich? It is simply the conditioning of the mind and the human brain are good with adaption even at a comparatively higher age. Although more care is needed at the lesser age. But the question is, who will set the bottom line? Before this, do you at all care about this? Is it all sham to you?

We all have come across people with ‘their’ kind of ideology, even if they are a follower of some standard version, they deflect little bit from it & form one of theirs. Some kind of remain inside the bubble that they have formed around them, some improvise to be a better version of themselves. Is improvisation necessary when life is so short? Well, why not? Why spend even a single second in a lesser world? But don’t you forget to live your leisure for that one second.

Most part of my life, I was under the illusion that I am a special born, that the world revolves around me, that I am not going to die a painful death, that God is directly in charge of me, that one day I will command the world... These thoughts made me somewhat egoistic, but on the other hand the environment I had in my childhood complemented me in forming my behavior. Same applies to millions like me, living in some part of the world. Here, certain factors like the level of deprivation or the level of access to basic things matter a lot, besides a conducive environment to develop your thoughts. It is said that language & culture evolves with time. With many more stories written, more work of art done on it, more collection and in turn more research lead to developments of new pillars... Point is little things matters.

Realistic living may help a child condition his mind for future & it surely is less scary to him or her when he moves away from his guardian’s shadow if at all he/she is lucky to have one. Sure that media has an important role to play & with the advent of liberalized & globalized media, a new generation is turning out to be an altogether different product of life. They have more information! I mean, I did not know how other countries looked like until I myself saw it on the internet. But the important part is, were I curious to discover it? Again, it is all about the ‘right’ kind of awareness. With the word ‘right’, I am still struggling...


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