Happy Independence Day - 2018

15 August, Nearly all the Indians are vibrating with the enthusiasm that fills us all with the chanting of the words “Independence”, “Freedom”, “Aazadi”.  Some 72 years ago, this land which is almost 2% of the world’s total area, got one Identity, the identity of one Nation and the base of democracy were established. We got independence from the British who had been ruling us for almost two centuries. In the period of their ruling, we were turned into a raw material house for the development of Britain. We were robbed out of our available resources, our creativity of craftsmanship and subjugated many people under the chains of landless peasanthood. Overall development of the people stand-stalled.

Isn’t it important for all of us to understand why in the first place we came into the hands of these colonialists? Bit by bit how over a period of years our rulers lost their battles and land rights? We never fought together. India of today was no India before. We were a disintegrated land of many princely states. We never quite consulted each other and never stood as one nation. We did not have a strong leadership.

Are we a truly independent state & stand for the right of each one of us 1.3 some billion? Well nearly 30% of us live on a meager monthly wage and is counted on below poverty line status. Our top 1% rich holds almost 60% of the total wealth & top 10% holds almost 80% of the wealth. Our banking system is on a toss with the load of NPAs. Is this some kind of modern-day slavery? We have a lot to do in terms of safeguarding the Human rights violations which also include compensatory pay for overwork in both the formal & informal kind of jobs. Almost 60% of Indians are farmers & that is a major chunk which holds only 20% of the Indian GDP and it is shameful that the situation is not improving. In fact, vote bank politics, “babugiri” in both the private & public sector is on the rise.

Pollution and haphazard development is another major issue which soon is going to grab India’s neck. It is high time that something has to be done. Something has to be done. We need to introspect & integrate once again. You don’t want the future generation to hold you accountable for anything. Jai Hind!


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