
Truth & non-violence holds greater significance than any other means of propagation through the life of any living being. There had been many pioneers who had proved and provided us the inspiration to remain grounded with these propositions.

In India, for the last 7 decades, since the time of independence, we have a policy of reservation. There are certain reserved seats in government jobs & educational institutions for some considered backward castes of India. Our constitution fathers decided to uplift these sections of the society by providing them leverage over the forward castes for a period 10 years. However, because of the political situation in a diverse country like India, we have not been able to get rid of this policy. In fact, now vote bank politics are being played over it & country instead of moving towards a common goal of equal & just society is indeed moving backward. It is quite clear that in India we have formalized various data of the demographics & the data itself speaks that a better version of reservation should be based on the economic condition of the head individual irrespective of the individual social identity if it is at all to be applied. But such ideas have no relevance because of the selfish motives of acquiring the votes during election & for the last 7 decades, we have in fact increased its quantum instead of discarding it.

For quite some time now, we have been encountering that community after community from different states demanding their share of seats in the reserved category. To get their demand fulfilled, they have been resorting to all kind of agitations, damaging the public property and other such measures. Is it a viable means to follow? Does this speak well of the country at the international level seeing that there is always some kind of instability within the country’ boundaries? It would be otherwise if the measures were of peaceful means. Indians definitely need some introspection & should reach the common stand. If communities after communities keep supporting this agenda, the spirit of the competition is on a serious toss besides it will also create some level of dissatisfaction to the deserving candidates not getting any benefits. State policy should be to provide the right means & atmosphere to the aspirants aiming for some examination so that he can first attain to that level which s/he aspiring for, qualify and earn for the position & then happily serve the future generation. These low hanging fruits of reservation are a blow to the economy by filling the undeserving candidates with posts they do not sync with. It is uneconomical and unjustly & should be dealt with accordingly.
What is more surprising & shameful that not a single politician has seemed to form a view to the reservation. They have neither acquired the guts nor have the needful ethics to come forward & stand for the justice. Should such politicians be allowed to represent the demography? Will they be able to fulfill the changing need of the time? And the bigger question is if these people are still representing the various part of India, is India truly democratic? Are all citizen equal before the law? Are all being given a common platform to prove their inner might? General, OBC, ST, SC… etc. are the categories I have been choosing from since the time I have been applying to any kind of institution. If it is so, is not our constitution simply hypocrite & a false agenda? Where is the idea of various rights which were ingrained in our great Indian Constitution?

No doubt that India through several decades has raised herself through many superstitions & false agendas. It is one of them & we need to pledge that the spirit & soul of competition will not be lost else we won't be able to speak eyes to eyes with the future generation to come. With this, I wish you in advance, Happy 72nd Independence Day! Let’s not forget that this independence is hard earned through the sacrifice of many brave people & maintaining the dignity of the same is in the hands of “us” alone. We are one. We are Indians.


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