Aww, you poor

 Their miseries and pain, 

Our slight discussion in sheer vain

When we talk and we sympathize,

Like some crazy saint looking guys

Yet the hypocrisy shine on our forehead,

When we snatch their last ounce of dry bread

We stretch all borders, 

leave no chance whatev

We don't laugh, don't you dare say

It's not worthwhile, less human they may

But hey, look at me here

We are giving our kind sympathy my dear

It's for free, it's for free

And free the abnormal cruelty 

"You the slave, we the king"

For generations, we continued to sing

Thru our swords and God's kind divinity, 

We will suck your blood till the eternity 

We accumulate resources, betray thier trust

Make you a fool, exploit you to your death

Hey you, you and your children 

Don't you cry, never you question 

"Alas, I say", "in clearly defined terms"

This is natural, you remain in dark prison..

"Aw, poor.. my poor poor fella..

My poor poor fella... my", hahaha


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