
Showing posts from October, 2018

Nature at Peril

We need to thank nature for her generosity and modesty in sustaining all kind of living beings in her lap. Nature is hence we are. Without nature's evolution, we all could not have evolved. We could not stop thanking her for providing us with all the natural resources but more so with the breathtaking landscape experiences, the purity of which is incomparable to any other technological innovation. Needless to say, our culture & tradition only revolves around it. With the uncontrolled exploitation of freely available resources in recent decades, an imbalance has been created which is only widening with years if not stopped. Not only that, the rise in pollution level across all bases that could transmit through air, water and land will be irreversible if proper steps are not taken. It would be different if the scale of compensatory measures kept matching with the exploitation. This shows that we are irresponsible and unaware of the grave situation in front of us, although a...

Gone spider

I had a spider cob-webbed at the corner of the wall near my bedding. A small spider, brown in color, always remained at her place, doing nothing at all. For the last one week, I acknowledged her existence near me. I stopped feeling alone in my flat. She was always nearby at a sight distance. Sometimes with her immobility, I would think that she is dead. But then I move closer to her to check, and she reciprocates contracting her limbs, still afraid of me, I guess. Humans can’t be trusted anyway. Well today when I first observed her place, she was gone! She was not there. But her departure has left the place empty. Do I miss her? Where must she have gone, I wonder. She must be nearby. She may have got fed seeing my face each day. I swear, I never even tried to hurt her. She had her own personal space. Even though she is gone, her web is as it was.  I hope she will come back. I hope that next time may be in the evening when I wake up with a nap, I will find her in her plac...

Burning fire cracker is shameful

Diwali is at the doorsteps. It is celebrated throughout the nooks and corner of our country, India. A celebration based on the writings on mythological holy textbook Ramayana and so many other tales upon the return of Lord Rama from the 14 years of exile, out of Ayodhya. It is said that the people were so happy upon the Rama’s return that they lighted “Diyas” . Lightening of Diyas signifies the defeat of evil or the dark by the light, the benevolence, the path teller. Lord Rama, when exiled, was supposedly so happy that he finally got the chance to live in the forests, among the general public, with the kind and varied animal kingdom. Somehow it envisages a message on the importance of environment and natural bio-diversity on the sustenance of life on Earth. The message is that humans cannot ignore integrating with nature. Time and again, through various other means throughout the world, the importance of nature has been emphasized. However, with the advent of industrialization...

आप क्या कहते है?

गलतिया, गलतिया और गलतिया... इतनी गलती करने के बाद खेद की भावना मुझे हर दिन डुबोये देती है. कभी पैसे खो देता हूँ और कभी मान. सबसे ज्यादा खटकता है तो समय का खोना. कभी कभी जाने अनजाने में मई ऐसा काम भी कर देता हु जिसे मैं ढिंढोरा पीटकर, सुर ताल के साथ लोगो को मना करता हूँ करने के लिए. ये दो तरफी काम मुझे बाद में खाय लेता है. और फिर सब कुछ होने के बाद, मैं इस सोच में डूब जाता हूँ की मुझे क्या करना चाहिए था. बक्वासी का शिकार होना कहते है इसे. दो बार गलती स्वीकार है मुझे. किसी भी गलती को तीसरी बार दोहराना मूर्खता है. इससे ये भी मालुम होता है की आप या तो आलसी है, या जवाबदेह होने से कतराते है, या तो आपमें अनुसाशन की कमी है. गए हुए समय को वापस लाना अभी तक तो संभव नहीं हुआ है. परन्तु आने वाले कार्य को किस तरह से किया जाए की इसमें त्रुटियों की मात्रा कम से कम हो? ये निर्भर है की आप पिछली गलतियों को कितनी जल्दी विलाप की प्रितिक्रिया से निकाल कर, उसमे नमक और मिर्ची छिड़कर उसका सेवन कर लेते है... अर्थात उसे भूल जाते है. विलाप केवल एक जहर है और जहर को जितनी देर अपने करीब रखेंगे ये केवल फैलेगा ही. ...

November rain

Once in a while, he used to come here to let go of his fears and anxiety. The city became too tough for him to restore his internal peace. He was tragically broken with people's harsh use of words. Words which used to penetrate him like a dragger across his heart. The wounds used to take ages to relieve and just accumulates one after another, days after days, nights after nights. No prayers ever listened. No god ever signaled. He felt that a cage is circumventing him with passing time but the quest is nowhere to be solved...  November is coming. He loves the month. He feels that it is a bit calmer than all the other months. He feels that November embrace it. It is that time of the year when he comes here, to his place, deep into the jungle, away from all the crowd, away from the city... So he went there walking miles, crossing the bushes and the river... He believed he has reached the place, but... This time the place was nowhere to be found. He thought that he missed the...

थोड़ी देर में नींद...

सुबह होने वाली थी. करीब करीब ४ बज गए थे. नींद तो आने से थी और इंटरनेट की गति खूब साथ दे रही थी. एकाएक एहसास हुआ की जल्दी नहीं सोया तो सुबह खराब हो जायेगी. इसलिए कमरे की बत्ती बुझाई और लैपटॉप के कार्यक्रम को इस्थगित किया. मूत्र विसर्जन के पश्चात कमरे में वापस आकर पंखे की गति तेज की. फिर अपने फ्लोर में पड़े हुए गद्दे की ओर आत्मीयता से बढ़ा. इन सब के दौरान, अपने मोबाइल फ़ोन को हाथ में ही रखा. ऐसे ही आदत से मजबूर था और अब तो मोबाइल फ़ोन जिस्म का एक अंग बन चुका है. अब मै बिस्तर के गले लग चूका था. लेकिन नींद का एहसास अभी भी नहीं हो रहा था. सोच में था की आज नींद क्यों नहीं आ रही. कहा रह गयी, अब तक तो आ जाती थी. जब और समय बीता तो बेचैन होकर मोबाइल को पुनः उठाकर उसमे समय देखना चाहा. देखा की ५ मिनट गुजर गए है बिस्तर को गले लगाए हुए और आँखें बंद होना नहीं चाहती थी. चूँकि मोबाइल को हाथ में ले ही लिया है तो क्यों न एक बार फेसबुक और इंस्टाग्राम में अधिसूचना पढ़ लू, शायद किसी ने याद किय हो, सोच कर मोबाइल डेटा चालू किया और इससे एक एड्रेनालाईन रिलीज़ होने वाला एहसास हुआ. थोड़ा अलग दौर है, अब जब नींद न...

Is career a 20th-century invention?

Going outside the door and I find so much rush behind the money. In the Television, there are populous shows which keep running & portraying the power of money and consumerism. They also set the trend for us. If you have money, you can have a good house, mobile phone, good clothes to wear, even things like “pure” water and “pure” air. Cannot humans be wild like other animals? We are indeed “humans” and not “machines”. Sadly the animal nature in us is condemned and suppressed, which compel us to hypocrisy behind closed doors. Even then the “machine” communities are not okay with that and have started surveillance. Earth is made an annoying place to live. A mistake committed a decade ago cannot be tagged with a person’s present character because we do learn from mistakes and we are not born a Superhero with perfect doses of ethics. There are government schemes running, restrictions posed by the international community because of the hampered business. People seem to be worried ...