Nature at Peril

We need to thank nature for her generosity and modesty in sustaining all kind of living beings in her lap. Nature is hence we are. Without nature's evolution, we all could not have evolved. We could not stop thanking her for providing us with all the natural resources but more so with the breathtaking landscape experiences, the purity of which is incomparable to any other technological innovation. Needless to say, our culture & tradition only revolves around it. With the uncontrolled exploitation of freely available resources in recent decades, an imbalance has been created which is only widening with years if not stopped. Not only that, the rise in pollution level across all bases that could transmit through air, water and land will be irreversible if proper steps are not taken. It would be different if the scale of compensatory measures kept matching with the exploitation. This shows that we are irresponsible and unaware of the grave situation in front of us, although a...